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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源_拓展教学资料_Wonders of the New China
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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源_拓展教学资料_Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers
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第一节 场地划分与场地区划 1.1 建筑震害的影响因素 1.2 卓越周期 1.3 覆盖层厚度 1.4 场地类别划分 第二节 地基抗震验算(了解) 第三节 地基土液化及其防治
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10.1 单一继承 10.2 多重继承 10.3 虚基类
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12.1 标准输入输出流 12.2 文件输入输出流
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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源(课程讲义)Introduction of WTC
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5.1 受压构件的一般构造 5.2 轴心受压构件正截面承载力 5.3 偏心受压构件正截面受力性能及有关计算规定
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10.1. Introduction 10.2. High-rise Buildings of Shear-wall 10.3. High-rise Buildings of Rigid Frame 10.4. High-rise Buildings of Tube
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上海交通大学:《结构概念设计 Conceptual design》教学资源(课程讲义)水平与竖向构件
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:510.58KB 文档页数:31
The reasons to limit lateral deflection are: - To avoid damage problem in building associated with shear racking and bending deflection. - To avoid uncomfortable horizontal movement of the occupants
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