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广东有电始于1888年(清光绪十四年),当时两广总 督张之洞外购进发电机在广州总督府衙门安装发电, 供电灯照明。 1890年,旅美华商人开办广州电灯公司,安装美 国产100马力(73.6kW)柴油发电机2台,供商店和公 共场所照明,是中国民族资本最早经营的电灯公司, 比中国第一家英办的上海电气公司晚8年,与世界最早 使用弧光灯的法国巴黎火车站电厂相差15年。 到清朝末的1911年,全省有广州汕头两家电灯 公司,发电装机容量共1300kW
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层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是对一些较为复杂、较为模 糊的问题作出决策的简易方法,它特别适用于那些难于完全定量分析的问题。它是美 国运筹学家T.L. Saaty教授于70年代初期提出的一种简便、灵活而又实用的多准则 决策方法
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Table of contents PARTO- PRELUDE: REVIEW OF \UNIFIED ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS\ 0.1 What it's all about 0. 2 Definitions and fundamentals ideas of thermodynamics 0.3 Review of thermodynamics concepts
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a B: The second Law of Thermodynamics [AW 42-50: VN Chapter 5; VwB&S-6.3, 6.4, Chapter 7 1. B. Concept and statements of the Second law why do we need a second law?) The unrestrained expansion, or the temperature equilibration of the two bricks, are familiar
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PARTO- PRELUDE: REVIEW OF UNIFIED ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS [AW pp 2-22, 32-41(see IAW for detailed SB&vw references): VN Chapter 1] 0.1 What it's all about The focus of thermodynamics in 16.050 is on the production of work, often in the form of kinetic energy(for example in the exhaust of a jet engine)or shaft power
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PART 2- POWER AND PROPULSION CYCLE 2A -Gas Power and propulsion cycles SB&vW-118,119,11.10,11.11,11.12,1113,11.14] In this section we analyze several gas cycles used in practical applications for propulsion and power generation, using the air standard cycle. The air standard cycle is an the actual cycle behavior, and the term specifically refers to analysis using the folpproximation to assumptions
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Part 2.: introduction to thermochemistry SB&VW-14.1-14.6 Until now, we have specified the heat given to the devices analyzed, and not concerned ourselves with how this heat might be produced. In this section, we examine the issue of how obtain the heat needed for work
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Introduction to Engineering Heat Transfer These notes provide an introduction to engineering heat transfer. Heat transfer processes set limits to the performance of aerospace components and systems and the subject is one of an enormous range of application. The notes are intended to describe the three types of heat transfer and provide basic tools to enable the readers to estimate the magnitude of heat transfer rates in realistic aerospace
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开篇案例 例1.微软公司和比尔.盖茨 电脑神童比尔盖茨创建了微软 公司。 大约30年前名书生气十足、对 被称作计算机的新奇设备颇有天赋的 男孩子把他编制的第一套软件——课 程管理系统,卖给了他就读的西雅图 高中,得到了4200美元的报酬
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采用关联模型比较典型的案例是“尿布与啤酒” 的故事。在美国,一些年轻的父亲下班后经常 要到超市去买婴儿尿布,超市也因此发现了 个规律,在购买婴儿尿布的年轻父亲们中,有 30%~40%的人同时要买一些啤酒。超市随后 调整了货架的摆放,把尿布和啤酒放在一起, 明显增加了销售额。同样的,我们还可以根据 关联规则在商品销售方面做各种促销活动
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