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4.1 Interpretation of the temporal transform When a field is represented by a continuous superposition of elemental components, the resulting decomposition can simplify computation and provide physical insight. Such rep￾resentation is usually accomplished through the use of an integral transform. Although
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The static electromagnetic field 3.1 Static fields and steady currents Perhaps the most carefully studied area of electromagnetics is that in which the fields are time-invariant. This area, known generally as statics, offers (1)the most direct op￾portunities for solution of the governing equations, and (2)the clearest physical pictures
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2.1 The postulate In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell proposed one of the most successful theories in the history of science. In a famous memoir to the Royal Society [125] he presented nine equations summarizing all known laws on electricity and magnetism. This was more than a mere cataloging of the laws of nature. By postulating the need for an additional term to make the set of equations self-consistent
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1.1 Notation, conventions, and symbology Any book that covers a broad range of topics will likely harbor some problems with notation and symbology. This results from having the same symbol used in different areas to represent different quantities, and also from having too many quantities to represent
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Appendix E Properties of special functions E.1 Bessel functions Notation
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￾ 经典电子理论及其局限性 ￾ 量子自由电子理论 ￾ 态密度及费米面 ￾ 金属的接触势差 ￾ 电子比热 一、基本内容 二、学习要点 ￾ 掌握量子理论的提出过程 ￾ 掌握态密度的求法 ￾ 熟练掌握费米面的概念
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￾ 单电子近似的基本思想 ￾ 布洛赫定理 ￾ 金属自由电子的空晶格模型 ￾ 能带的一般性 ￾ 电子在外场中的运动 ￾ 金属、半导体、绝缘体能带的差别 一、基本内容 二、学习要点 熟练掌握以下内容 ￾ 布洛赫定理及能带的一般性 ￾ 能带的起因的物理解释,能带的一般特点 ￾ 固体导电性与能带结构的关系
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1. 绝热近似 固体中电子和原子的质量差别很大 原子和电子的运动速度差别很大
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Appendix D Coordinate systems Rectangular coordinate system Coordinate variables
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Appendix C Some Fourier transform pairs Note:
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