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2.1简述信息、管理信息、信息系统、管理信息系统之间的联系与区别。 2.2如何理解管理信息系统不仅是一个技术系统,而且是社会技术系统?
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8.1试述面向对象的基本概念(对象、类、继承、消息),以及面向对象的含义。 8.2简述面向对象类型开发方法的原理
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项目管理产生于第二次世界大战期间,它作 为一门学科和一种特定的管理方法最早起源于 美国; 早期,美国将项目管理应用于大型军事项 目、航天工程与开发工业等项目上,如:曼哈 顿原子计划、北极星导弹计划、阿波罗宇宙飞 船载人登月计划及石油化工系统中
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一、Purpose of Class Teaching Through class teaching, the student will demonstrate a knowledge of the following A Risks associated with postpartum hemorrhage B Immediate management of the patient with postpartum
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Complaint Management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs. retention Loyalty Word of mouth (positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
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使用教材及参考书 成功的项目管理,[美]杰克吉多等,机械工业出版社 项目管理,毕星等,复旦大学出版社 ·项目经理人手册,苏伟伦,中国纺织出版社 A Guide to The Project management Body of Knowledge
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Prior to 767 somewhat arbitrary break at 100 seats DC-9 (2 person crew-pilot, co-pilot u B-727 3 person crew-pilot, co-pilot, flight engineer) B-757/767 Designed for 2 person Crew u Use of automation and simplified systems so minimize systems management u Use of advanced Cockpit to Increase Sa and make primary flight tasks
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Organizational Conflict Conflict exists in situations where goals, interests or values of people are incompatible and they block other's efforts to achieve their goals Some level of conflict is inevitable given the wide range of goals in a firm Some conflict is good for organizational performance Too much causes managers to spend much time responding to conflict
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Information and the Manager e Data raw facts such as the number of customers Information: data arranged in a meaningful fashion Good information possesses these attributes o Information Quality: measures information accuracy and reliabilit
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Importance of Good Communication o Good communication allows a firm to a Learn new skills and technologies a Become more responsive to customers Improve quality of their product or service Foster innovation eFfective communication is needed by all Managers Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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