General information Definition定义 Allergic rhinitis can be defined as a disease giving rise to two or three of the following symptoms: sneezing attacks serous hypersecretion(高分泌)and hasal blockage due to a swollen nasal mucosa
1. 熟悉配位化合物的基本概念、组成和命名; 2. 熟悉配位化合物的价键理论,会进行一般配离子结构判断和磁性计算; 3. 理解晶体场理论的要点,弄清八面体场、四面体场和平面四边形场中 d 轨道的分裂;理解分裂能和晶体场稳定化能概念; 4. 了解配位化合物顺反异构和旋光异构概念,初步学会上述两种异构体的判断; 5. 熟悉配位实体热力学稳定性中的有关概念。 7.1 相关的定义和命名 The relating definitions and nomenclature 7.2 配合物的化学键理论 Chemical bond theory of coordination compound 7.3 配位化合物的异构现象 Isomerism of coordination compound 7.4 配位实体的热力学稳定性 Thermodynamic stability of the coordination entity 7.5 配位实体的某些动力学问题 Some kinetic questions of the coordination entity
Welcome to the exiting world of NMR... though a little hard to learn... remember... .Why just NMR... .How a ID NMR spectrum look like... .What we can obtain from it... and what can we do for a big molecule
1.初步了解原子核外电子运动的近代概念、原子能级、波粒二象性、原子轨道和电子云概念。2.了解四个量子数对核外电子运动状态的描述,掌握四个量子数的物理意义、取值范围。3.熟悉s、p、d原子轨道的形状和方向。4.理解原子结构近似能级图,掌握原子核外电子排布的一般规则和s、p、d、f区元素的原子结构特点。5.会从原子的电子层结构了解元素性质,熟悉原子半径、电离能、电子亲和能和电负性的周期性变化。 1.1 亚原子粒子Subatomic particles 1.2 波粒二象性— 赖以建立现代模型的量子力学概念 Wave-particle duality — a fundamental concept of quantum mechanics 1.3 氢原子结构的量子力学模型— 波尔模型 The quantum mechanical model of the structure of hydrogen atom —Bohr’s model 1.4 原子结构的波动力学模型 The wave mechanical model of the atomic structure 1.5 多电子原子轨道的能级 Energy level in polyelectronic atoms 1.6 基态原子的核外电子排布 Ground-state electron configuration 1.7 元素周期表 The periodic table of elements 1.8 原子参数 Atomic parameters
Introduction to Manufacturing a Manufacturing is the physica/ realization of the previously designed parts Metrics to assess the\ performance\of mfg Quality does it meet specifications?
Outline Structural Testing Why testing is important Types of Sensors, Procedures.... Mass, Static Displacement, Dynamics Test Protocol for 16.810 Explain protocol Sign up for time slots 16.810(16.682) Massachusetts Institute of Technology