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The finite element method In FEMi we derale finite element equations fro PVD swe- SWe and obtained: K0=R:=4…n waere n:number of element nodal p Ue: elenent nodal displace ents
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By looking at the potential energy of an element, what can you conclude about the properties required for the basis functions of an euler -bernoulli beam element? They should be differentiable twice
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Why is the element stiffness matrix singular in a finite element formulation? 1. So that it can accomodate rigid element dis- placements without introducing spurious nodal 2 Because we made a mistake in the formula- tion the stiffness matrix should not be sin- g 3. Because we havent enforced any displace ment boundary conditions(it's a variational approach after all) Statement(1)
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How many zero eigenvalues do you think any element stiffness matrix (regardless of the type of finite element nterpolation should have in 2D and 3D, respectively?
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What do you think the eigenvectors of the element stiff- ness matrix represent? 1. a basis in which the stiffness matrix would be diago- nal (if rotated to that basis) 2. a set of nodal displacements for the element corre-
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The finite element method(I for three-diwnensional robles Potential enery applied to one eleet
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How many quadrature points do you need to integrate a polynomial of order p= 3 exactly using Gauss'method
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一、数据管理技术的发展 二、数据组织的层次 三、数据库设计
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生命周期法(结构化系统开发方法) 一、系统规划 二、系统分析 三、系统设计 四、系统实施 五、系统运行维护和评价
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Flash是一种交互式矢量多媒体动画制作工具,他的前身是早期网上流行的矢量动画插件Future Splash,后来Macromedia公司收购了Future Splash以后,便将其改名为Flash。1996年6月推出Flash4.0,2000年7月推出Flash5。 2002年3月推出FlashMX。 (1)Flash,是一个最精彩的矢量动画工具。 (2)Flash MX,极大的扩展了Flash的功能,不再仅仅具有动画设计制作功能。它可以创建完整的动态站点,Flash MX已它具有从内容显示到数据库连通,视频调试和整合,以及简单的多媒体编辑功能,是制作各种网络广告、游戏、多媒体应用程序、教程等的理想工具。 需要说明的是,Flash的播放需要Flash Player,一般情况下浏览器都具有此功能
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