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Contents Describe preferences Indifference curves Well-behaved preferences Marginal rate of substitution
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Contents Describe budget constraint –Algebra –Graph Describe changes in budget constraint Government programs and budget constraints Non-linear budget lines
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Effects of a Price Change What happens when a commodity’s price decreases? –Substitution effect (替代效应): the commodity is relatively cheaper, so consumers substitute it for now relatively more expensive other commodities
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Structure When to sell an asset? –Rate-of-return Arbitrage Taxation of asset returns Applications Financial intermediaries
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Structure State contingent consumption (依情 形而定的消费) State-contingent budget constraint Preferences under uncertainty Choice under uncertainty Risk aversion Diversification and risk spreading
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Structure Describing technologies Production set or technology set Production function Isoquant Marginal product Returns to scale Technical rate of substitution Well-behaved technologies Long run and short run
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Structure Money equivalent of utility gains totrade Consumer’s surplus Changes in consumer’s surplus Compensating and equivalentvariations Producer’s surplus
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Structure Present and future values Intertemporal budget constraint Preferences for intertemporal consumption Intertemporal choice Comparative statics Valuing securities
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1日语学习能力。(听、说、读、写、译的能力培养) 2日本概况知识的了解与掌握。(日本地理、历史、政治、经济、社会、文化等。)
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:760.08KB 文档页数:34
1 市场经济中的蛛网模型 2 减肥计划——节食与运动 3 差分形式的阻滞增长模型 4 按年龄分组的种群增长
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