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(一)掌握心脏骤停的判断、心肺复苏的生存链和基本生命支持的主要措施以及常用复苏药物的临床运用。 (二)熟悉进一步生命支持的主要抢救措施; (三)了解脑复苏的主要方法
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hat is critical care medicine Multidisciplinary healthcare specialty cares for patients with acute, life- threatening illness or injury which including continuum of life support from the scene through discharge Coordinated care systems, analysis of treatment options, protocols, guidelines for the care of individual patients Monitoring and therapy Intensive care medicine in Europe
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Chronic Renal Insufficiency Pathogen and pathogenesis Manifestation Laboratory examination Diagnosis and differential diagnosis Treatment
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一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) 掌握:急、慢性肾盂肾炎的典型临床表现、诊断依据、鉴别诊断和治疗原则。 熟悉:肾盂肾炎的病因、传染途径、感染有关因素。 熟悉:肾盂肾炎的主要实验诊断方法
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Definition Absent iron-store hemoglobin synthesisl A microcytic and hypochromic anemia The most common nutritional
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Outline Bone marrow hematopoiesis failure led by chemicals, radiation, biological factors and unknown etiology. The common clinical presentation is mild to severe pancytopenia
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General considerations Definition: A group of neoplastic diseasesof lymphoid tissues Classification: Hodgkin' s Disease, HD (Hodgkin' s Lymphoma) Non Hodgkin s Lymphoma,NHL)
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一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) (一)掌握血清阴性脊柱关节病的基本概念、疾病名称、临床特点。 (二)熟悉血清阴性脊柱关节病的分类标准及治疗。 (三)了解血清阴性脊柱关节病的发病机理
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FUDAN UNIVERSITY 【 Clinical features】 RF negtive low back pain and stiffness other joints enthesitis familial aggregation HLA-B27 related
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【概述】- Overview 【定义】- Definition本病为低骨量和骨 组织微细结构破坏,致使骨的脆性增加和容 易发生骨折的一种常见的全身性骨代谢疾病 OP常见于老年人,是一种临床综合症,引 起的骨痛、骨病及骨折影响患者的生活质量 2001年NIH认为是OP骨强度的损害 使骨折的危险性增加的疾病。骨强度主要反 映骨密度和骨质量的完整性。骨质量包含骨 结构(几何学)、骨转换、骨损伤的积累( 细微骨折)和骨矿化等
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