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l、角度闭合差的分配与调整 方法一: (1)计算方位角闭合差:f=a终计算一a丝已知 (2)满足精度要求,若观测角为左角,则将fa反符号平均分配到各观测角上;若观测角为右角,则将f。同符号平均分配到各观测角上
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l Chapter 6- Learning objectives Distinguish between discrete and continuous randomⅴ ariables Differentiate between the binomial and the poisson discrete probability distributions and their applications Construct a probability distribution for a discrete random variable, determine its mean and variance, and specify the
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l Chapter 2-Learning objectives Convert raw data into a data array Construct a frequency distribution a relative frequency distribution a cumulative relative frequency distribution Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram Visually represent data by using graphs and charts
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中药材质量标准 中文名西洋参 汉语拼音 Xiyangshen 英文名 RADIX PANACIS QUINQUEFOLI 来源本品为五加科植物西洋参 Panax quinquefolium L的干燥根。进口西洋参通常分 为“统装西洋参”和“原装西洋参
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中药材质量标准 中文名荜茇 汉语拼音Bibo 英文名 FRUCTUS PIPERS LONGI 来源本品为胡椒科植物 Piper Longum L.的干燥近成熟或成熟果穗。果穗由绿变 黑时采收,除去杂质,晒干
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The most important disease of the middle ear and mastoid are inflammations of various kinds and hearing loses. Tumors of the middle ear are rare. In this chapter we'l mainly discussed acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM) and chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)
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Unit Nime Text B Unit Nine Text B l. Pre-reading Task ll. Detailed Study Ill. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit Two Text A Unit Two Text A l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information lll. Detailed Study lV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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Unit One Text B Unit Two Text A l. Pre-reading Task ll. Related Information lll. Detailed Study IV. Outline& Summary V. Home Assignment
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1.液体在两头开口的等横截面U形管中振荡,液柱长L,液面上方为大 气压强P,忽略粘性摩擦力和表面张力,求液柱运动规律。 解:液体是不可压缩的,故液体在同一瞬时的速度=v(t)处处相等,只 是时间的函数,且等于
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