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服务器刚安装好时,在第一文件卷SYS:下自动建立五个一级子目录(不可删除): PUBL IC: MAIL: LOGIN: SYSTEM: ETC ( NetWare v311只有前四个子目录) 典型的 Novell网目录结构( Novell公司推荐) 最多120层 L0G|N注册入网有关命令和文件(所有用户可用)
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6.10 Object类 6.2包装类 6.3Math类 6.4 System类 6.5 String类 6.6 stringBufferstringBuilder和类 6.7习题
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一、GPS的定义及历史 1.定义 全球定位系统GPS(Global Positioning System),是一种可以授时和测距的空间交会定 点的导航系统,可向全球用户提供连续、实时、 高精度的三维位置,三维速度和时间信息
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The hyde school In 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde school in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which hebelieved was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and s character over talent
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Background information your ho their potential The hyde school In 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde school in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which hebelieved was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and s
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Study on Fertility Characteristic and development on New System of Male sterile lines of Nian Type in Wheat M.A. Postgraduate: Na Niu Tutor: Prof, Gaisheng Zhang Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100) Abstract The Cms is one of the main ways to make use of wheat heterosis In order to probe into
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组成 一、睾丸 二、生殖管道 三、附属腺 四、外生殖器
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一、泌尿系统包括: 二、肾 三、输尿管 四、膀胱 五、尿道
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4.1概述 MAX+PLUS Multiple Array Matrix and Programmable Logic User System A+PLUSⅡ的特点: 1.与结构无关 2.多平台 3.完全集成化
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