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优良的微生物菌种是发酵工业的基础和关键要使发酵工业产品的种类、产量和质量有较大的改善,首先必须选育性能优良的生产菌种。理想的工业发酵菌种应符合以下要求: (1)遗传性状稳定; (2)生长速度快,不易被噬菌体等污染 (3)目标产物的产量尽可能接近理论转化率; (4)目标产物最好能分泌到胞外,以降低产物抑制并利于产物分离
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2.1本章简介 本章介绍因特网(Internet)和万维网(《ntemctWorIdWidcWcbWWW,《,简称www),介绍世界各国生物信息中心和服务机构。因特网的诞生,国际生物信息中心的建立,大大推动了生物信息学革命。基于因特网的浏览器的出现,为生物信息资源的开发和应用提供了有效途径。本章将简单介绍浏览器和通过浏览器进行数据库查询的方法,并给出一些重要生物信息中心的网址
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本章基本要求 一、掌握轴心受压构件的受力特点及承载力计算方法。重点掌握普通配箍构件轴心受压构件的计算;理解配置螺旋箍筋轴压构件承载力提高的原理。 二、掌握偏心受压构件的受力特性;两类偏压构件的特点与判别;受压构件纵向弯曲的影响。 三、掌握矩形截面非对称和对称偏心受压构件的正截面承载力的计算公式、适用条件及公式应用。 四、一般掌握I形截面对称配筋偏压构件的承载力计算。 五、了解截面承载力N与M的关系。 六、掌握受压构件的构造要求
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Textbook Data structure, algorithms, and applications in C++, Sartaj Sahmi 数据结构(用面向对象方法与C++描述),殷人昆等
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Main topics Definition of graphs and some terminology Three common graph representations Some algorithms
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9.1 Introduction A priority queue is a collection of zero or more elements. Each element has a priority or value
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7.1 Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection of elements each element has a field called key, and no two elements have the same key value. Operations: Insert(x): insert an element with a specified key value Search(k,x): search an element with a specified key
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5.1 definition of stack Definition A stack is a linear list in which insertions and deletions take place at the same end. This end is called the top. The other end of the list is called the bottom. It is also called a LIFO(last-in-first-out) list
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3.1 Preface 1. data object--- a set of instances or values for example: Boolean={ false,true} Digit={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} Letter={A, B, ....., a,b, ..... Z} NaturalNumber= {0, 1,2, ..... Integer={0,+1,-1,+2,-2,+3,-3,} String={a,, ..... ,aa, ab, ac
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The purpose and contents of the course Introduce most used data structures and algorithms Prerequisite of other courses Introduce algorithm analysis Review C++
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