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第一节 线粒体氧化体系和呼吸链 Oxidative system and respiratory chain in mitochondrion 第二节 氧化磷酸化与ATP生成 Oxidative phosphorylation and production of ATP 第三节 其他氧化和抗氧化体系 Other oxidation systems and antioxidant systems
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第一节 蛋白质的营养价值与消化、吸收 Nutritional Values and Digestion, Absorption of Proteins 第二节 氨基酸的一般代谢 General Metabolism of Amino Acids 第三节 氨的代谢 Metabolism of Ammonia 第四节 个别氨基酸的代谢 Metabolism of Individual Amino Acids
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第一节 核酸的化学组成及其一级结构 The Chemical Component and Primary Structure of Nucleic Acid 第二节 DNA的空间结构与功能 Structure and Function of DNA 第三节 RNA的空间结构与功能 Structure and Function of RNA 第四节 核酸的理化性质 The Physical and Chemical Characters of Nucleic Acid
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第一节 核苷酸代谢概述 Introduction of Nucleotide Metabolism 第二节 嘌呤核苷酸代谢 Metabolism of Purine Nucleotides 第三节 嘧啶核苷酸的代谢 Metabolism of Pyrimidine Nucleotides
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Chapter 2 Water Chapter 3 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins Chapter 4 The Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins Chapter 5 Protein Function Chapter 6 Enzymes Chapter 8 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Chapter 9 DNA-Based Information Technologies Chapter 11 Biological Membranes and Transport Chapter 12 Biosignaling Chapter 13 Bioenergetics and Biochemical Reaction Types Chapter 14 Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, and the Pentose Chapter 16 The Citric Acid Cycle Chapter 17 Fatty Acid Catabolism Chapter 18 Amino Acid Oxidation and the Production of Urea Chapter 19 Oxidative Phosphorylation and Photophosphorylation Chapter 20 Carbohydrate Biosynthesis in Plants and Bacteria Chapter 22 Biosynthesis of Amino Acids, Nucleotides, and Related Molecules Chapter 24 Genes and Chromosomes Chapter 25 DNA Metabolism Chapter 26 RNA Metabolism Chapter 28 Regulation of Gene Expression
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UNIT I: Protein Structure and Function Chapter 1: Amino Acids Chapter 2: Structure of Proteins Chapter 3: Globular Proteins Chapter 4: Fibrous Proteins Chapter 5: Enzymes UNIT II: Intermediary Metabolism Chapter 6: Bioenergetics and Oxidative Phosphorylation Chapter 7: Introduction to Carbohydrates Chapter 8: Glycolysis Chapter 9: Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Chapter 10: Gluconeogenesis Chapter 11: Glycogen Metabolism Chapter 12: Metabolism of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides Chapter 13: Pentose Phosphate Pathway and NADPH Chapter 14: Glycosaminoglycans, Proteoglycans, and Glycoproteins UNIT III: Lipid Metabolism Chapter 15: Metabolism of Dietary Lipids Chapter 16: Fatty Acid and Triacylglycerol Metabolism Chapter 17: Complex Lipid Metabolism Chapter 18: Cholesterol and Steroid Metabolism UNIT IV: Nitrogen Metabolism Chapter 19: Amino Acids: Disposal of Nitrogen Chapter 20: Amino Acid Degradation and Synthesis Chapter 21: Conversion of Amino Acids to Specialized Products Chapter 22: Nucle
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《生物化学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Biochemistry, EIGHTH EDITION 2015, Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Gregory J. Gatto, Jr. Lubert Stryer
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Part I Molecular Components of Cells 1 The Facts of Life: Chemistry Is the Logic of Biological Phenomena 2 Water: The Medium of Life 3 Thermodynamics of Biological Systems 4 Amino Acids and the Peptide Bond 5 Proteins: Their Primary Structure and Biological Functions 6 Proteins: Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Structure 7 Carbohydrates and the Glycoconjugates of Cell Surfaces 8 Lipids 9 Membranes and Membrane Transport 10 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 11 Structure of Nucleic Acids 12 Recombinant DNA, Cloning, Chimeric Genes, and Synthetic Biology Part II Protein Dynamics 13 Enzymes—Kinetics and Specificity 14 Mechanisms of Enzyme Action 15 Enzyme Regulation 16 Molecular Motors Part III Metabolism and Its Regulation Part IV Information Transfer
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