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Cartesian Configuration . C Ty A. Lasky Configuration. Articulated Configurati Configuration. Gantry Configuratio 101.2 Dynamics and Control Independent Joint Control of the Robot. Dynamic Models iversity of California, Dav omputed Torque Methods. Adaptive Control. Resolved R Lal tummala Motion Control. Compliant Motion. Flexible Manipulators Justification. Implementation Strategies. Applications in Nicholas G. Drey
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Rehabilitation Engineering, Science and Technology 119.1 Rehabilitation Concepts 119.2 Engineering Concepts in Sensory Rehabilitation 119.3 Engineering Concepts in Motor Rehabilitation Charles J. Robinson 119.4 Engineering Concepts in Communications Disorders
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Integration.Smart/Optical Cards Matthew e. Baretich 117.2 Hospital Information Systems niversity of Colorado The Clinical Environment Healthcare Codes and Standards 117.1 Clinical Information Systems Luis Kun The main objective of this section is to provide the reader with a summary of areas that relate to clinical
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Vehicular Systems 106.1 Introduction Design Considerations 106.3 Land Transportation Classifications 106.4 Propulsion inda sue boehmer 106.5 Microprocessor Controls 106.6 Monitoring and Diagnostics
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Detailed stud 1. hard: with great effort e.g. looking hard at this picture. think hard and work hard 2. hardly: almost not e.g. he could hardly wait to hear the news There's hardly any coal left. 3. .. than employees did in 1979
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第一章 总论 一、概述 三、提取分离的方法 四、结构研究方法 二、生物合成 第二章 糖和苷 carbohydrates 一、概述 二、单糖的立体化学 三、糖和苷的分类 四、苷类化合物的理化性质 五、苷键的裂解 六、糖的核磁共振性质 七、糖链的结构测定 八、糖和苷的提取分离 第三章 苯丙素类 Phenylpropanoids 第四章 醌类化合物 Quinonoid 一、概述 二、 结构类型 三、醌类化合物的理化性质 四、蒽醌类化合物的提取与分离 五、醌类化合物的光谱特征 第五章 黄酮类化合物 flavonoids 二、黄酮类化合物的性质与颜色反应 一、黄酮类化合物的概述 三、黄酮类化合物的提取与分离 四、黄酮类化合物的波谱 第六章 萜类和挥发油 terpenoids and volatile oils 一、萜的含义和分类 二、萜类的结构类型及代表性化合物 三、 萜类化合物的理化性质 四、萜类化合物的化学性质 五、 萜类化合物的提取分离 六、挥发油 第七章 三萜及其苷类 triterpenoids 一、概述 二、四环三萜 三、五环三萜 四、理化性质 五、提取分离 六、结构测定 第八章 甾体及其苷类 steroids 一、概述 二、 C21甾类化合物 三、强心苷类化合物 四、甾体皂苷类化合物 第九章 生物碱 alkaloids 一、生物碱概述 二、生物碱的分布 三、生物碱的分类 四、生物碱的性质 五、生物碱的提取和分离 六、生物碱的结构鉴定 七、生物碱的提取分离
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Theoretically speaking, the early-airport arrivals should be rewarded while the late airport ones should be punished. But this usually isnt the case. And there are such people who pay off their taxi only just before boarding, but still get their luggage first when landing. To my great embarrassment, early as I arrived, I
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The brain is a complex and delicate part of the human organism. It works in special ways through the three systems the Sensory system which functions as receiving information from the outside world; the Motor system which is of the function of sending instructions to the body the Homeostatic system which functions as telling parts of the body how to work or more. But the computer can't do these ways nowadays because it lacks imagination
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本章教学基本要求 1.了解电动机容量选择的基本理论和电机工作制。 2掌握电动机容量选择方法
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本章基本教学要求: 1.熟悉分析三相异步电动机的机械特性及各种运行状态的基本方法; 2.掌握三相异步电动机的起动、制动; 3.了解三相交流电动机的调速方法。 重点: 机械特性、调速、起制动。 内容: 三相异步电动机固有和人为机械特性。 要求: 掌握机械特性各种表达式和适用场合
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