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克拉玛依职业技术学院:《地质构造分析》课程教学课件(讲稿)37 地槽地台学说
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1、掌握拱坝的工作特点 2、了解拱坝的类型 3、了解拱坝对地形、地质的要求 4、了解拱坝的发展状态
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一、矿物的概念(图片1)图片(2) 矿物(mineral):是由地质作用 或宇宙作用所形成的、具有一定的 化学成分和内部结构、在一定的 物理化学条件下相对稳定的天然 结晶态的单质或化合物,它们是 岩石和矿石的基本组成单位
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REGIONAL STRESS REGIMES (ANDERSON THEORY OF FAULTING) 2 is located parallel to the fault plane, normal to the direction of slipl 3 is located normal to o, and o2/ Earth's surface is a principal plane of stress Ideal fault geometry
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1.求两平面交线的产状 第一,据已知的两平面产状, 在吴氏网上分别求出其投影大圆弧 AHB和CID。两大圆弧的交点β即为 两平面交线与下半球面交点的投影 第二,作β与圆心O的连线, 交基圆于P点,P点的方位角即两平 面交线的倾伏向,Pβ间的角距为 交线的倾伏角
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一、纵弯褶皱作用的应变特征 1.1单层纵弯褶皱作用的基本应变特征中和面褶皱作用压扁作用
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Classification of folds (continue) Based on four main features or properties: 1 direction of closing and facing 2 attitude of axial surface 3 size of inter-limb angle, and 4 shape of profile 5 dip isogons
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CONSTRUCTION OF VERTICAL SECTION 1 Select the location of the section and draw a section line (usually perpendicular to the strike of the main structures), right-hand end is its more easterly end 2 Draw a topographic profile along the line of section. Determine the base line on the squared
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