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1、请先登记 每组请先到前面讲台登记,请写清楚下面几项:组员、设计项目、实验台编号、开始实验时间,离开时写清楚离开时间
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一、初步认识电阻器、电容器、二极管、稳压二极管的基本特性 二、建立系统和地(GND)的概念。区别电路测量“系统”和普通电路原理图
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一、温度的测量是生活中 二、设计一个恒温热水器:水温下降可以自动启动加热,当加热到需要的电压时停止加热,以保持水温恒定。你会选用什么传感器?传感器选用有什么原则?如何设计电路?
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General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply rith single point regulation. The voltages available allow For output voltage other
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General Description hese devices need only one external com ation capacitor at the output. Tthe LM? aged in the to-220 power package and is capable applications requiring other voltages, see LM137 data 4 supplying 1.5A of output current These regulators employ internal current limiting safe area Features a Thermal, short circuit and sa tually all overload conditions
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一、了解典型机电一体化产品的设计思想。 二、认识用光电编码器测量平面位移的方法。 三、培养分析评价机电产品的初步能力
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General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply
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1、设计任务 设计一个测量系统(或者加入控制部分,构成测控系统)并实现它,最后要对系统进行校准。要求包括完整的设计,含传感器、信号调理电路、数字显示以及电源部分,如下图:
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These circuits consist of four independent, high TSSOP14 (Thin Shrink Small Outline e Package) gain, intemally frequency compensated operation al amplifiers. They operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation
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Guaranteed Zero Reading for OV Input on All Scales The Intersil ICL7106 and ICL7107 are high performance, low True Polarity at Zero for Precise Null Detection power, 312 digit A/D converters. Included are seven seg- 1pA Typical Input Current ment decoders, display drivers, a reference, and a clock
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