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Aggregation and Welfare Content Consumer's surplus Aggregation Representation consumer
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Content Lotteries and expected utility Risk aversion Metric Subjective probability theory
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Cost Minimization Content Definitions Properties of cost function WACM Some forms of cost functions
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Summary textbook Varian, Hal R, 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed Mas-Colella m Whinston and j, green 1995, microeconomics Theory assignments
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Content Competitive equilibrium Local analysis Omplete compete market Monopoly
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Content Public goods Subscription Efficient provision of public goods Public choice EXternality What's externality? How to solute it? What's the efficient condition with externality
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Content Pure exchange system The existence of Walrasian equilibrium The first theorem of welfare economics The second theorem of welfare economics Exchange with production
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一、需求及影响因素 二、供给及影响因素 三、市场均衡
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厂商决策理论将讨论在不同市 场结构下,厂商怎样决定产量和价 格使其利润最大化的基本原理与方 法
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