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第一章绪论 第二章货币资金 第三章应收及预付款项 第四章存货
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:989.75KB 文档页数:29
一、理解金融学的基本内涵 二、掌握利率的风险结构含义及其理论 三、掌握金融学的两个基本概念:风险和时 四、掌握利率期限结构含义及其理论
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Contents Inter-temporal preferences Two periods Several periods · Asset market CAPM -APT Complete market Pure arbitrage
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CONTENT Wa and demand law From preferences to utility Utility maximization EXpenditure minimization
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Preference and Choice Content: Preference and rationality The rule of choice Budget Demand function WAand demanded law
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profit maximization Content: Some definition Isoprofit curve Demand function and it's properties supply function and it's properties Profit function and it's properties
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Aggregation and Welfare Content Consumer's surplus Aggregation Representation consumer
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Content Lotteries and expected utility Risk aversion Metric Subjective probability theory
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Cost Minimization Content Definitions Properties of cost function WACM Some forms of cost functions
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Summary textbook Varian, Hal R, 1992, Microeconomics Analysis, 3rd ed Mas-Colella m Whinston and j, green 1995, microeconomics Theory assignments
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