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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 1 Introduction
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 6 The division of “three worlds” and establishing ties with the U.S. against the USSR(1972-1978)
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 8 Post-Cold War Chinese Diplomacy(1989-1999)
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 9 As a Responsible Country in the World(2001-)
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 7 Chinese diplomacy(continuity and changes,1979-1989)
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 2 Chinese foreign policymaking(institutions and processes)
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◼ I. International Contexts ◼ II. new China identifying its diplomacy ◼ III. The Korean war (1950-53) ◼ IV. Five principles of peaceful co-existence
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复旦大学:《中国近代外交史》课程PPT教学课件(History of Diplomacy in Modern China)Lecture 4 Changes in international structure and China’s diplomacy(1956-1965)
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第一节 太平天国与基督教 第二节 第二次鸦片战争与广州外交体制 第三节 北京政变
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第一节 鸦片战争发生的历史背景 第二节 战争的进程与结局 第三节 战后的中国社会
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