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一、包装的概念 为在流通过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进 销售,按一定技术方法而采用的容器、材料 和辅助物等的总体名称。也指为了达到上述 目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施 加一定技术方法等的操作活动
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主要内容:包装的功能、分类、材料、包装容器 的种类;一般的包装技法、特殊包装技法;包装机械的 定义、分类、以及常用的包装机械;包装的组织管理、 计划管理、费用管理和包装标准化的管理。 重点掌握:包装的功能、包装的类型、几种 包装技法,包装机械的概念、分类,包装管理的内 容
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content Introduction The Packaging Line Line Organization Packaging Materials Machine Capabilities Line Balancing Material and Container Characteristics Personnel
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TOPS: Total Optimization Packaging Software. TOPS Pro: allows the packaging professional to size and shape package designs from concept to carton, to intermediate pack, to pallet stacking, to box strength analysis and to truck loading (Figure 17.1)
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Introduction The objective of package printing and decorating is to create a visibly identifiable image, consistently, for a large number of impressions. these have been divided into two groups: .\Printing\ in the context of this discussion refers to flexography, lithography and gravure--the methods that
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陕西科技大学:《包装技术基础 Fundamentals of Packaging Technology》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Lesson 19 The Packaging Line 第19课 包装线
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陕西科技大学:《包装技术基础 Fundamentals of Packaging Technology》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Lesson 17 Computer Aided Packaging System 第17课 计算辅助包装设计系统
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陕西科技大学:《包装技术基础 Fundamentals of Packaging Technology》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Lesson 16 Distribution Packaging 第16课 运输包装
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陕西科技大学:《包装技术基础 Fundamentals of Packaging Technology》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Lesson 15 Seven Steps for Cushioned Package Development 第15课 缓冲包装设计七步法
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陕西科技大学:《包装技术基础 Fundamentals of Packaging Technology》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)Lesson 11 Package Printing 第11课 包装印刷
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