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Corporation a mechanism established to allow different parties to contribute capital, expertise, and labor for their mutual benefit Corporate governance refers to the relationship among these groups in determining the direction and performance of the corporation
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1 Premise control 2 Strategic surveillance 3 mplementation control 4 Performance measurements
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To provide a deeper understanding of strategic analyses-know the situation. To discuss in more detail the strategic options that firm can consider-make a decision. To explore rational and creative approaches to strategy implementation-the tough part of strategy. To discuss how to evaluate and control the strategy selected
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An internal, operations driven activity involving organizing, budgeting, motivating, culture building, supervising, and leading to make the strategy worked as intended. There must be a fit between strategy and organizational resources and capabilities, reward structure, internal support systems, and organizational structure
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I. Elasticities of Demand Own Price Elasticity Elasticity and Total Revenue Cross-Price Elasticity Income Elasticity II. Demand Functions
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I. Market Structure Measures of Industry Concentration II. Conduct Pricing Behavior Integration and Merger Activity III. Performance Dansby-Willig Index Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm IV. Preview of Coming Attractions
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I. Introduction to Game Theory II. Simultaneous-Move, One-Shot Games III. Infinitely Repeated Games IV. Finitely Repeated Games V. Multistage Games
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I. Conditions for Oligopoly? II. Role of Strategic Interdependence III. Profit Maximization in Four Oligopoly Settings Sweezy (Kinked-Demand) Model Cournot Model Stackelberg Model Bertrand Model
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I. Perfectly Competition Characteristics and profit outlook Effect of new entrants II. Monopolies Sources of monopoly power. Maximizing monopoly profits. Pros and cons III. Monopolistic Competition
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I. Methods of Procuring Inputs Spot Exchange Contracts Vertical Integration II. Transaction Costs Specialized Investments III. Optimal Procurement Input
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