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1、熟悉固体化学的定义; 2、掌握固体化学的研究内容; 3、熟悉固体化学发展的前沿领域
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第一节 工业固体废物的收集、运输 第二节 城市垃圾的收集、运输 第三节 固体废物的压实
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一、固体表面的特征 二、晶体表面结构 三、固体的表面能
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《固体废物处理与处置》是环境工程专业的一 门专业主干课程。学习本课程前,应预修《普通化 学》、《有机化学》、《化工原理》等基础课程。 本课程介绍国内、外固体废物处置的现状及发展趋 势,全面、系统地阐述固体废物,尤其是城市生活 垃圾资源化与无害化处理处置技术以及相应的法规 与标准。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握固体废物 及城市固体废物的资源化与无害化处理技术与方法, 并能熟练地应用相应法规与标准对城市固体废物进 行管理
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Three Ways to Describe Crystal Structures Three Structural sketches of P4O10 molecules: (a)Stick-ball model:showing that the P-O chemical bond is the tetrahedral coordination and sp3 covalent bonds
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Characteristics of Solids Bonding Electrons in Solids Band Theory Defects Semiconductor Classification of Solids There are several forms solid state materials can adapt
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Scopes of Solid State Synthesis Solids: crystals, fibers, films, foams, ceramics, powders, nanoparticles, morphology Direct reaction Crystallization: solution, melt, glass, sol-gel
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Non-linear optical properties Photoluminescence Optical Materials Non-linear optical materials play an important role in data transmission and storage
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Characteristic of Superconductors Applications Important Superconductors What Is a Superconductor? A superconductor is an element, inter￾metallic alloy, or compound that will conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature
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Photoelectricity Semiconductors Historical Timelines Semiconductor Products are Proliferating
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