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Nasopharyngeal carcinoma nasal cavity Chronic bronchitis pharynx -larynx -track Chronic constructive epiglottis bronchus emphysema
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Section 1 general consideration Inflammation is the reaction ofa tissue and its microcirculation to a pathogenic insult. It is characterized by the generation of inflammatory mediators and movement offluid and leukocytes from the blood into extravascular tissues
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Structure of kidney Glomerulonephritis Pyelonephritis Tumors
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Communicable disease: Pathogen-→body→Infectious disease source of infection Pathogen route of transmission crowd easy to feel
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adaptation and injury of tissue and cell 1. what is adaptation? define: atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia department of pathology
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During repair, the injured tissue is replace d by regeneration of native parenchymal cells completely restore (completely regeneration) by filling of the defect with fibroblast scar tissue
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1、掌握非毒性及毒性甲状腺肿的病变特点。 2、熟悉非毒性甲状腺肿的病因。 3、熟悉糖尿病的病理变化
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1、掌握淋巴组织肿瘤的概念、WHO 分类。 2、掌握霍奇金淋巴瘤的病变特点。 3、熟悉滤泡淋巴瘤、Burk
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1、病理学的内容:总论(重点);各论。 2、病理学的研究方法:
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体育保健学 是人体保健学的一个分支, 它是研究体质与健康教育及体育运动中的 保健规律和措施的一门应用学科
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