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This section is concerned with one of the most remarkable features of English pronunciation. Many common English words have two or more pronunciations in speech, depending on their positions in a sentence----a strong form and one or more weak forms
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Chapter 3 Liaison If we want to speak English fluently, we must try to avoid pronouncing each word as if it were isolated. We must try to link words together smoothly and naturally. In English one word is not separated from another by pausing or hesitating; the end of one word flows straight on to the
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It should first be pointed out that there are two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress. The former is concerned with the stressing of individual words of two or more syllables when they are pronounced in isolation
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Rhythm in English speech is based on stress. rhythm unit节奏单位)is formed by stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables which may come before the stress and after it.The unstressed syllables before the stress are said very quickly, so they are very short, as short as you can make them; but the stressed syllable is as long as before, so there is great difference of length between the unstressed syllables and the stressed one, e.g
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202.The length of a sound is the length of time during which it is held on continuously in a given word or phrase. The principal facts concerning length in English are given in the following rules: 203. Length of vowels 1.English vowels [i:], are longer than the other English vowels in similar context,i.e when surrounded by the same sounds, and pronounced with the same degree of stress Thus the vowels in bead
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Part Two Sounds in Connected Speech 1. Strong and Weak Forms 2. Assimilation and elision 3. Liaison 4. Length of a sound 5. Word stress 6. Sentence stress 7. Rhythm 8. Sense groups and Pause
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随着大规模集成电路和计算机技术的飞速发展,数字信号处理(DSP)技术已经渗 透到几乎各个领域,包括计算机语音学、计算机视觉、计算机多媒体技术、超文本 数据传输等各个领域,而用于进行数字信号处理的专用DSP芯片的性能价格比也在 惊人地增加。目前DSP的主要生产厂家有 Analog Devices,inc.公司、 Texas Instruments 公司、AT&T、 Motorala公司、NEC公司等,而笔者认为在诸多DSP生产厂家中, TI公司和ADI公司是比较突出的,他们将以其产品的独特性而成为DSP芯片市场 的主要领导者之一
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In the production of a sound, if the air, onceout of the glottis, is allowed to pass freelythrough the resonators, the sound is a vowel
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Definition Phonetics vs phonology The phoneme theory – Distinctiveness in speech sounds – Phoneme and allophone – Minimal pairs – Principles in deciding on phonemes
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