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课程简介 这是一门经济经济学方面的基础理论课 程。包括财政学和金融学两个组成部分。 这两个部分共同的研究对象是社会经济运 行当中资金的运动。不同的是: 财政——研究以政府为中心的资金收支; 金融——研究社会货币资金的相互广泛融通 本教材结构体系中,第一章到第七章为财 政学部分;第八章到第十五章为金融学部分
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《世界经济》杂志是一份综合性的经济学理论刊物,主要刊登经济学各个领域的研究文章。本刊侧重世界 经济相关领域的理论研究(世界经济学、国际贸易、国际金融、开放条件下的宏观经济学,国际政治经济学 转轨经济学,发展经济学、中国对外开放、区域和国别经济等),但也刊登研究中国经济体制改革、经济学基 础理论、经济思想史,经济史、管理经济学等方面的论文。同时,本刊还刊登有关興论研究综述和介绍外国经 验的论文
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Chapter 14: Contents Distinction Between Forward The \Implied\Risk-Free Rate Futures Contracts The Forward Price is nota The Economic Function of Forecast of the Spot Price Futures Markets Forward-Spot Parity with Cash The Role of Speculators Payouts
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Using Present Value Formulas to value Known Flows The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-To-Maturity Reading Bond Listings Why Yields for the Same Maturity Differ The Behavior of Bond Prices over Time
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The relationship between The law of one price an asset's' value& price arbitrage Value maximization Interest rates the law financial decisions of one price Accounting measures of Exchange rates value
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Contents Introduction Reading Stock Listings The Discounted Dividend model Earnings and Investment Opportunities A Reconsideration of the Price/Earnings Multiple Approach Does Dividend Policy Affect Shareholder Wealth?
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Chapter 10: An Overview of Risk Management Objective Risk and Financial Decision Making Conceptual Framework for Risk Management Efficient Allocation of Risk-Bearing
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Chapter 11 Contents 11.1 Using Forward Futures 11.6 Basic Features of Contracts to Hedge risks Insurance Contracts 11.2 Hedging Foreign- 11.7 Financial Guarantees Exchange Risk with Swap11.8caps& Floors on Contracts Interest Rates
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Chapter 12 Contents The process of personal portfolio selection The trade-off between expected return and risk Efficient diversification with many risky assets
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School of Management About my name About my TA About the course About the requirements 20% assignment class performance 15%mid- term test 65% final test About the book and authors
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