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8.1 Agent的概念 8.2 Agent的结构 8.3 Agent实例─Web Agent 8.4 多Agent系统 8.5 Agent的实现工具 8.6 Agent技术的发展与应用
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8.1 Agent的概念 8.2 Agent的结构 8.3 Agent实例─Web Agent 8.4 多Agent系统 8.5 Agent的实现工具 8.6 Agent技术的发展与应用
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The principal-agent problem The principal-agent problem describes a class of interactions between two parties to a contract, an agent and a principal. The legal origin of these terms suggests that the principal engages the agent to act on his(the principals) behalf. In economic applications, the agent is not necessarily an employe of the principal. In fact, which of two individuals is regarded as the agent and which as the principal depends on the nature of the incentive problem
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 Code Mobility  Mobile Agent  Migration Mechanism in Mobile Agent System
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 Code Mobility  Mobile Agent  Migration Mechanism in Mobile Agent System
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The principal-agent problem describes a class of interactions between two parties to a contract, an agent and a principal. The legal origin of these terms suggests that the principal engages the agent to act on his(the principal s behalf. In economic applications, the agent is not necessarily an employe
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:545.24KB 文档页数:85
 Agent协作  通信框架  层次式通信框架  通信再思考
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