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A. 当代建筑的重要变化 Shifting in Contemporary Architecture 1. 功能的复合(Multi-Function) 2. 材料的创造性运用(新构造/材料) 3. 形式的多样化(多元/个性) 4. 生态和智能的趋势 5. IT技术的影响 B. 风格的演变 Evolutionary Styles
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复旦大学:《英美电影思想解读》PPT教学课件_当代英美电影微观 A Survey of the Contemporary American and British Films(英国电影微观 The Contemporary British Films)
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Contemporary Perspective on Intergroup Conflict CONFLICT FUNCTIONAL DYSFUNCTIONAL Confrontation between Confrontation or groups that enhances interaction between and benefits the groups that harms the
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Management Key Concepts Organizations: People working together and coordinating their actions to achieve specific g coals o Goal a desired future condition that the organization seeks to achieve Management: The process of using organizational resources to achieve the organization's goals by
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Organizational Environment Organizational Environment: those forces outside its boundaries that can impact it. Forces can change over time and are made up of Opportunities and Threats. Opportunities: openings for managers to enhance revenues or open markets. New technologies, new markets and ideas. Threats: issues that can harm an organization. economic recessions, oil shortages
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Ethics and stakeholders sTakeholders: people or groups that have an interest in the organization Stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and others Stakeholders often want different outcomes and managers must work to satisfy as many as possible Ethics: a set of beliefs about right and wrong. Ethics guide people in dealings with stakeholders and others, to determine appropriate actions Managers often must choose between the conflicting interest of stakeholders Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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The planning process Planning is the process used by managers to identify and select goals and courses of action for the organization The organizational plan that results from the planning process details the goals to be attained o The pattern of decisions managers take to reach these goals is the organizations strategy
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Organizational Control Managers must monitor evaluate Are we efficiently converting inputs into outputs? Must accurately measure units of inputs and outputs. Is product quality improving e Are we competitive with other firms? Are employees responsive to customers? customer service is increasingly important. Are our managers innovative in outlook? Does the control system encourage risk-taking
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Personality traits Personality Traits: Characteristics that influence how people think, feel and behave on and off the job. Include tendencies to be enthusiastic demanding, easy-going, nervous, etc. Each trait can be viewed on a continuum, from low to high There is no \wrong trait, but rather managers have
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Leadership Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. Effective leadership increases the firm' b ability to meet new challenges. Leader: The person exerting the influence Personal Leadership style: the ways leaders choose to influence others Some leaders delegate and support subordinates, others are very authoritarian Managers at all levels have their own Irwin/McGraw-Hill leadership style
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