肩胛骨骨折 Fractrue of the Clavicle 肱骨干骨折 Fractrue of the Shaft of Humerus 肱骨髁上骨折 Supracondylar Fractrue of the Humerus 肱骨髁间骨折 Interocondylar Fractrue of the Humerus 肱骨外髁骨折 Fractrue of external Condyle of Humerus 肱骨内上髁骨折 Fractrue of medial epicondyle of Humerus 尺骨鹰嘴骨折 Olecranal Fractrue 桡骨头骨折 Fractrue of the Head of the Radius 尺、桡骨干双骨折 fractrue of radius and ulna 尺、桡骨干单骨折 fractrue of radius or ulna 尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头脱位 Monteggia’s fractrue 桡骨下1/3骨折合并下桡尺关节脱位 Galeazzi’s fractrue 腕骨骨折 Fractrue of the Carpal Bones 腕舟骨骨折 Fractrue of the Scaphoid 掌骨骨折 Fractrue of metacarpal bone 指骨骨折 Phalangeal fractrue
1.Darcy’ law and absolute permeability 2. Measurement of permeability 3. Fracture permeability 4. Factors affecting permeability 5. The relationship between permeability and porosity and pore radius
Question No. 1 A liquid Ni-Al alloy sphere is levitated with an induction coil in an excellent vacuum chamber at 500 C. Stirring of the droplet is intense so that the melt composition is uniform at any time. If the sphere has a radius of one cm and an initial Al mole fraction of 1%. Derive an expression which