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Chapter An Overview of C Chapter 1 An Overview of C The history of C The feature of C The pattern of a C program Running a program
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The Programming Language Chapter An Overview of C Chapter 1 An Overview of C The history of C The feature of C
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The C Programming Language Chapter 5 Control Flow 5.1 Overview of c statements C statements: using a semicolon\ as a statement terminator Kinds of c statements
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The C Programming Language Chapter 1 An Overview of C 1.2 The feature of C -Cis terse, it has fewer keywords - has lot of operators and data types> - is structured and modular. -C is the basis for C++ and Java - is portable. Code written on one machine can
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第一章 C语言导论 C语言特点 C语言的一般介绍 C程序的编辑、编译和运行 第二章 数据、运算符、表达式 第三章 语句与控制流 第四章 函数和程序结构 第五章 构造类型 – 数组和指针 第六章 构造类型 – 结构和联合 第七章 输入输出及与UNIX的接口
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Chapter An Overview of C 1.2 The feature of C -Cis terse, it has fewer keywords - has lot of operators and data types> - is structured and modular. -C is the basis for C++ and Java - is portable. Code written on one machine can be easily moved to another
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G语言简单程序设计 C语句概述 二输入与输出语句
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在TC中将程序调试好之后,保存在D,依次命名为:1.c2.c3.c,然后拷贝 到作业本自己的文件夹中。从本周开始必须交作业,算平时成绩 1.从键盘输入一个整数n,求1+2+3++n的和,(利用 while语句编程) 思考:如果是求n!该如何改写
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:258KB 文档页数:17
一、程序设计语言 1、程序设计语言发展 2、程序设计语言的支持环境 3、源程序的编辑、编译、连接和执行
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:670KB 文档页数:41
The C Programming Language Chapter Functions Chapter 8 Functions Overview Function Definition The Return Statement Arguments---Call By value Function Invocation Nested invocation and Recursion Arrays as parameters Storage classes of variables
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