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1.昆虫呼吸方式 2.昆虫器官系统的组成和功能 3.昆虫呼吸代谢特点 4.杀虫剂对昆虫呼吸代谢的影响
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• 底膜(basement membrane) • 皮细胞层(epidermis) • 皮层(cuticle) 内表皮(endocuticle) 外表皮(exocuticle) 上表皮(epicuticle) 护蜡层(cement layer) 蜡层(wax layer) 表皮质层 角质精层(tanned cuticulin) 多元酚层(polyphenol layer)
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人体在进入疲劳状态时生理参数会发生相应的变化.为了探讨砌砖工人在持续体力劳动作业时心率和心率变异(HRV)对人体生理疲劳的影响,针对疲劳与心率的关系提出评价生理疲劳的数学模型.选取15名健康受试者(男性)在搭建的86 cm平台模拟砌砖工人作业.持续作业30 min进行一次心率变异数据的收集.同时,使用心率传感器对心率进行实时监测.本文采用方差分析、t检验和非线性拟合的方法对疲劳对心率和心率变异的影响进行分析.结果表明,生理疲劳使心率波动程度有显著变化(检验水准α=0.05水平,概率P0.05).非线性拟合结果(R2=0.8892)显示,生理疲劳的发展趋势呈现出\S型\的趋势.据此提出,生理疲劳分为3个阶段:疲劳调整期、疲劳稳定期和疲劳失稳期.在疲劳失稳期前(试验中约为90min)受试者休息,可以减缓或延迟生理疲劳的发生
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基本内容: 精子的发生、形态、结构、成熟与生理特性;精液的组成和理化学特性;外界因素对精子的影响。 基本要求: 1、了解精子的形态、结构与受精力的关系以及附睾的功能;了解精子代谢与活动力的关系;精子的运动型式、特点。了解精清的理化特性和精子的生理特性,为人工授精技术奠定理论基础。 2、重点掌握精子发生的过程。 第一节 精子发生 Section 1 Spermatogenesis 第二节 精子在附睾内的成熟 Section 2 The mature of sperm in epididyims 第三节 精子的形态结构与生理特性 Section 3 Sperm‘s structure and biological characteristic 第四节 精液 Section 4 Semen
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1.内环境:直接与细胞进行物质交换的细胞外液,处于动态平衡。 2.负反馈:反馈信息为负。在一个闭环系统中,控制部分活动受受控部分反馈信号(S)的影响而变化,若S5为负,则为负反馈。其作用是输出变量受到扰动时系统能及时反应,调整偏差信息(S),以使输出稳定在参考点(S)
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通过低氧实验提出一种快速识别人体低氧状态的方法.通过搭建深层神经网络训练实验数据识别氧气体积分数(16%~21%)与人体可耐受极端低氧气体积分数(15.5%~16%)条件下光电容积脉搏波(photoplethysmography, PPG)信号, 获得人体生理状态的模式识别网络.经测试该网络的识别正确率可达92.8%.利用混淆矩阵及接受者操作性能(receiver operating characteristic, ROC)曲线分析, 混淆矩阵的训练集、验证集、测试集、全集识别正确率分别达到97.9%、94.8%、92.8%和96.3%, AUC (area under curve)值接近1, 认为该网络分类性能优良, 并且可在4 s内完成整个识别过程
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human Body CHAPTER 2 Cellular Chemistry CHAPTER 3 Cell Structure and Function CHAPTER 4 Tissues CHAPTER 5 Integumentary System CHAPTER 6 Skeletal System CHAPTER 7 Muscle Tissue and Mode of Contraction CHAPTER 8 Muscular System CHAPTER 9 Nervous Tissue CHAPTER 10 Central Nervous System CHAPTER 11 Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous Systems CHAPTER 12 Sensory Organs CHAPTER 13 Endocrine System CHAPTER 14 Cardiovascular System: Blood CHAPTER 15 Cardiovascular System:The Heart CHAPTER 16 Cardiovascular System:Vessels and Blood Circulation CHAPTER 17 Lymphatic System and Body Immunity CHAPTER 18 Respiratory System CHAPTER 19 Digestive System CHAPTER 20 Metabolism, Nutrition, and Temperature Regulation CHAPTER 21 Urinary System CHAPTER 22 Water and Electrolyte Balance CHAPTER 23 Reproductive System Index
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Authorand ExecutiveEditor Robert B.Dunn, Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Medicine Loyola University Medical Center Chicago, IL Contributors Susan DeMesquita, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physiology Marshall School of Medicine Huntington, WV Directorof MedicalIllustration ChristineSchaar Directorof PublishingandMedia Michelle Covello Stanley S. Passo, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Physiology New York Medical College Valhalla, NY MedicalIllustrators Rich LaRocco and Christine Schaar James Porter, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physiology University of Louisville Louisville, KY ProductionEditors Kathlyn McGreevy Ruthie Nussbaum Kenneth H. Ibsen, Ph.D. Director of Academic Development Kaplan Medical Professor Emeritus Biochemistry University of California Irvine, CA ProductionArtist Michael Wolff CoverDesign Joanna Myllo Mary Ruebush, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Microbiology Montana State University Bozeman, MT CoverArt Rich LaRocco
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This is an admirably concise and clear guide to fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It covers all the body systems in an accessible style of presentation. Bulleted checklists and boxed information provide an easy overview and summary of the essentials. By concentrating on the core knowledge of physiology, it will serve as a useful revision aid for all doctors striving to achieve postgraduate qualification, and for anyone needing to refresh their knowledge base in the key elements of clinical physiology. The author’s own experience as an examiner at all levels has been distilled here for the benefit of postgraduate trainees and medical and nursing students. Dr Ashis Banerjee is Consultant in Emergency Medicine and serves as Examiner for those undertaking their MB, BS, MRCS and MFAEM examinations
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1 植物体内的元素与类别 1.1 矿质元素与非矿质元素 (1)矿质元素:将植物烘干并充分燃烧后,余下一些不能挥发的残烬称为灰分,而以氧化物形式存在于灰分中的元素称为灰分元素或矿质元素。 (2)非矿质元素:燃烧时以气态形式散失到空气中的元素,如C、H、O、N、S等)
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