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• 口腔外科 ( Oral Surgery ) – • 口腔颌面部肿瘤 ( tumor surgery ) – • 是口腔医学的一部分 • 正确处理局部与整体关系 教学条件
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Learning obiectives 1. Mechanism and clinical application of each contraceptive method 2. Artificial abortion surgery indications. contra-indications treatment of complications 3. Sterilization surgery indications contra-indications prevention of complications
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私立华联学院:《英文报刊阅读》课程教学资源(练习题,十套)Is Heart Surgery Worth It医学报道_Is Heart Surgery Worth It
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Osseous Preprosthetic Surgery Alveoloplasty (exostosis, undercut, knife-edge ridge, etc Torus(tori) removal (palatal/mandibular Maxillary/ mandibular augmentation (autologous bone graft, lyophilized cartilage/bone, hydroxyapatite, guided tissue regeneration memberane
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:8.07MB 文档页数:62
1. Surgery 2. Radiotherapy 3. Chemotherapy 4. Endocrine therapy 5. Immunotherapy 6. Biological therapy
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▪ Anatomy ▪ Biochemistry ▪ Cell Biology ▪ Clinical Examination ▪ Embryology ▪ Genetics ▪ Histology ▪ Immunology ▪ Internal Medicine ▪ Microbiology ▪ Pathology ▪ Pharmacology ▪ Physiology ▪ Surgery ▪ Series Textbooks
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《外科护理学》课程阅读资料(英文)Role of Nurses for Cardiac Surgery Patients
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• Basic optics. • Refractive power of the eye. • Refractive status of the eye. • Refractive errors. • Eyeglasses. • Contact lenses. • Refractive surgery. • Visual aids
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山东大学:《临床医学英语》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Unit 7 现代外科学 Modern Surgery
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浙江大学医学院:脑血管疾病手术(PPT讲稿)Surgery for Cerebrovascular Diseases(CVDs)
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