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A standard CPK model, colored by element, against a stone background.The flat base-pairs are stacked in the center of the strand, perpendicular to the view, and the backbone makes a right-handed spiral around the central, vertical axis.
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Some people build ships in bottles, but what about DNA? :)This is intended to be a piece on display in a museum or art gallery. The bottle and beveled shelf were created with Moray.
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This model has the same atomic positions and balls colored by element,but now the sticks convey other information: the backbones are red and blue, and the bases are purple (Adenine), en (Thymine), yellow(Guanine), and cyan (Cytosine).
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类型:教学课件 大小:43.27MB 下载/浏览:40/4964 评论:30 评分:7.8 积分:32
《液压与气动技术》ppt完整课件。详细讲解液压与气压传动的优缺点及应用发展、特点、原理和组成,重点分析液压传动,共八章20讲,附相关知识动画素材及实验: 第一章 绪论 第二章 液压流体力学基础 第三章 液压泵和液压马达 第四章 液压缸 第五章 液压控制阀 第六章 辅助装置 第七章 基本回路 第八章 典型液压系统
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