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双语课件:| Inflation(通货膨胀).ppt investment.ppt multiplier.ppt Measuring the Cost of Living.ppt MONEY SUPPLY.ppt 宏观.ppt
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《投资概念学》(the concept of investing)课程ppt,英文版。共六部分。
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复旦大学英文版《投资学》pdf讲义,章节齐全,内容完整,适合大学经济管理专业师生参考使用: CHPT1-introduction CHPT02-risk and risk aversion CHPT03-capital allocation CHPT04-asset diversification CHPT05-CAPM CHPT06-Mutiple factor model CHPT07-APT CHPT8-Market efficiency CHPT9-Index and index fund CHPT10-Investment Styles CHPT11-Performance Evaluation CHPT12-1-Modern portfolio Theory CHPT12-2-general asset pricing model CHPT13- Factor pricing model--CAPM CHPT14- The CAPM ---test CHPT15- the equity market cross-section and time-series properties CHP16-market efficiency-furthur analysis CHPT17- Conditioning information CHPT18-GMM in explicit discount factor models CHPT19- GMM and regression-based tests
类型:电子教案 大小:19.69KB 下载/浏览:20/1828 评论:4 评分:7.3 积分:10
教学内容 教学时数 1.Laws on Foreign Investment Enterprises 外商投资企业法 8 2.contract law 合同法 24 3.Litigation and Arbitration of Foreign Economic Disputes 涉外经济纠纷的诉讼与仲裁 8 4.Law on Antidumping 反倾销的法律制度 10 5.Trademark and Patent System 商标和专利制度 10 6.Civil Law with Foreign Elements 涉外民事法律 16 7.English and American Legal System 英美的法律制度 10 8.Course Review 复习 2
类型:参考资料 大小:8MB 下载/浏览:12/1239 评论:5 评分:5 积分:10
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