NU- CAST. INC A Leader in aluminum investment Castings
NU - CAST, INC A Leader In Aluminum Investment Castings
NU- CAST. NC he Ultra-light 3D Cast Truss Beam Structure IN SPACE, NU-CAST HAS AN EXCELLENT- REPUTATION 二 Millennium s Now Awvaabir in Mour Ca Aurum Aot RMS inn er Bet The k STRENGT t的 w Shupe, Saint Hanon, Corman AND weightlessness Every Satellite Needs in Orbit recast 夏cast a加 nU ea wu IT
NU- CAST INC CAST INC USES ht how lnd t he we svelnele e anpi predate protype N nucast inc s o L SLA Other Rapid Prototyping TechninFo Turn to Nu- Cast HE PROTOTYPE ADVANCED INVESTMENT CASTING TECHNOLOGIES SPECIALIST
NU- CAST, INC ENGINEERING PROTOTYPES UsIng wing me STEREOLITHOGRAPHY ISLA) Rapd pooping enhances the produet design ond donato ly impoves you deliery cyclo Multipie tedhnclgiet fumet powder ino funcion params and lee the appreerele technology er wach TAn FI CONTAN FULL CAD SERVICE FUSLD DISPOSITION MODELING Investment Castings WESTM IT COTING CADKEY & onen SPICIALIS Aluminum354A356,A357,201c355 Beryllium Aluminum Beal 363 Beal 191 seting Models 3-5 Days Casing Poems 35 Doys TEAMWORK Rapid ooling Poems KTV1 7-14 Do nucast inc Rapid Prototype Patterns Nu- Cast's R-PIC CAST METAL PROTOTYPES IN 7-10 DAYS
NU-CAST。INC m Ie now offer Concurrent NUCAST INC TEAMS WITH success in space NASA eu k orl drowings, It tokes a very apecial one to woing h podaa high monofocture casing without o complete sort weah tring sere he It i not the recommended way, but moy PROTOTYPES Nu Cast Inc is yery experienced in working okun on a pepped Jos information ovolloblel manufacturing approoch. With on uite engineering to aui volue analy ia experimen and t be a mojor onset i meeting yo production need. Our in house wooling way, penetrant, welding ond heat te are provided with the shortest prodact development eytle posible
NU-CAST。INC blowing tabulating hh Fe tolermnce recommended by she bnentmert Cotting intitule. W To ave s9000 is equipped to bonde te demond d lday industy Yout apache configrdfen h as portent theine ol pecked an w wil be pleased ta eans RADI A e morel nl, o 003 GEORGE C. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER t010 commanded smale roun un double t013° SUPPLIER UALIFICATI口N 016 t010° ANGLES Angular toleronce efal/2 TNESS AND STRAICHTNESS When e Nu-Cast, Incorporated p required. castings tIn 29 Grenier Field Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 t018 t037 Has been found to have a quality management system that HOU TOLERANCES The hole tolerence lor is compliant to the t040 (Q9002--1994 based upon an audit process performe 050° 1°9“1m to Mw1 5330.1. As a result, your 主060 the Marshall Space Flight Center's(MSFC's)Audited 4l-1050 070° Vendor List (AVL). The qualification is valid for 3 years from the date of this qualifieation 051°如.100° DRAFT Generaly draft allowance eun be 101025 t015 DUNDNESS The peel lineo ler 251sIo° t0l5° CONCINTRICITY The general secon ALUMINUM-BASE ALLOYS C0R MN5 Our goal is solving your roblems whether it be cost elivery, size or quality. Beryllium Material Contact Stare at Sa 1-978-369-5410 Fax1978-369-4045
PROTO ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE/BACKGROUND 36 years in the design, development and management of ground based, airborne and spaceborne optical reconnaissance systems ITEK/LITTON 15 years full time and 18 years part time(consulting, design and rapid prototyping) in the investment casting field UNI-CAST/NU-CAST MAJOR SYSTEMS/PROGRAMS Corona(secret satellite) declassified 1995 Classified reconnaissance systems(airborne/spaceborne) MOL(Manned Orbiting Lab) CIS( Compensating Imaging System)Maui Manager of major A/C modification(Glll) and systems integration for recce platform including large optical windows and requiring FAA certification/STC NASA RELATED PROGRAMS Large Space Telescope(Hubble) proposal/study Apollo Program( pan camera for moon) Viking Program(Mars Lander camera) 30 meter space based laser transmitter(proposal/study) Principal Investigator, SBiR Phase 1& 11(High Efficiency Monolithic Lightweight Cast Structure)
PROTO ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE/ BACKGROUND: • 36 years in the design, developme nt and management of ground based, airborne and spaceborne optical r e c onnaissanc e syst e ms @ I T E K/LIT TON. • 15 years full time a nd 18 years part time (consulting, design and rapid prototyping) in the investment casti n g field @ UNI-CAST/NU-CAST. MAJOR SYSTEMS/PROGRAMS: • Corona (s e cret s atellite) declassified 1995. • Classifie d rec onnaissance systems (airborne/spa c eborne). • MOL (Ma nned Orbiting Lab). • CIS (Compensating Ima ging S ystem) Maui • Manager of major A/C modific ation (G111) and syste ms int egration for rec c e platform including large opti c al windows and requiring FAA certification/ S TC’s. NASA RELATED PRO GRAMS: • Large S p a c e Telescope (Hubble) proposal/study. • Apollo Program (pa n camera for moon). • Viking Program (Mars Lander c a mera). • 30 meter s pace bas ed las er transmitter (pr oposal/study). • Principal Investi gator, SBIR P h ase 1 & 11 (High Efficienc y Monolithic Lightweight Cast Structure)
PROTO ENGINEERING SERVICES ON SITE (CUSTOMER)OR PROTO ENGINEERING PROVIDE SEMINARS ON THE INVESTMENT CASTING PROCESS AND INVESTMENT CASTING DESIGN (ALUMINUM) INVESTMENT CASTING dESIGN engineering roposed designs. Provide specific recommendations, alternate design approaches and supporting rationale h Review systems/components on the basis of function, design, producibility and cost. Discuss casting issues with Systems/component design specializing in airborne spaceborne applications Optical systems, components and their mounting Structural systems and mechanical components Electronic enclosures Investment casting design Provide knowledge(basic principles) of the investment casting process and how to realize the maximum benefits of this versatile process based on current technology Design to cost. Recommend options and provide direction for an efficient cost effective approach
PROTO ENGINEERING SERVICES: • Review systems/components on the basis of function, design, producibility and cost. Discuss casting issues wit h proposed designs. Provide spe cific rec ommendations, alternate design approaches and supporting rationale. • Syst e ms/component design spe cializing in airborne & spa c eborne applications. • Investment casting design. • Optical syste ms, c omponents and their mounting. • Structural s ystems and mecha nical c omponents. • Electronic enclosures. • Provide knowledge (basic principles) of the investment casting process and how to realize the maxim um benefits of this versatile process based on c urre nt technology. • Design to c ost. Recommend options and provide direction for an efficient cost effective approach. ON SITE ( CUSTOMER) OR @ PROTO ENGINEERI NG: PROVI DE SEM INARS ON THE I NVESTMENT CASTI NG PROCESS AND INVESTM ENT CASTI NG DESIGN (ALUMINUM): I NVESTMENT CASTING DESIGN & ENGINEERING:
PROTO ENGINEERING INVESTMENT CASTING DESIGN ENGINEERING(CoNTD) View problems/issues through the eyes of the customer as well as the foundry, concentrating on part functional requirements for practical solutions. Note, the many years of airborne and aerospace design experience along with the association and actual foundry experience by proto Engineering, provides for this unique opportunity Provide for realistic tolerancing, dimensional set-up(datum's/tooling points)and proper transitioning to machining (kinematic type restraints, tooling lugs, etc. Determine those areas/features that should be cast and those that should be machined due to tolerancing or configuration limitations Recommend design techniques that minimize distortion when machined and those processes recommended for long term casting stabilization(critical optical configurations) Provide casting design, supporting analysis(FEA/NASTRAN), detail drawings(casting machining) and solid model( CAD)or variations as required. See the following for typical approach Discuss/establish design requirements, goals and gather the necessary interface/environmental data via"SCD or appropriate agreed upon format Provide preliminary design/layout of proposed approach for customer evaluation and subsequent update and approval. Note; FEA/NASTRAN analysis would be provided at this time if required by customer Provide detail casting and machining drawings (2D)on customer format per customer specifications and solid model (3D)as required of approved design
PROTO ENGINEERING I NVESTMENT CASTING DESIGN & ENGINEERI NG (CONT’D): • Vie w proble ms/issues t hrough t he e yes of the customer as well as t he foundry, concentrating on part functional require m e nts for practic al solutions. Note; the m any years of airborne and a erospa c e design experienc e along with the association and a ctual foundry experienc e by Proto Engineering, provides for this unique opportunit y. • Provide for realistic tolerancing, dimensional set-up (datum’s/tooling points) a nd proper transitioning t o mac hining (kinematic t ype restraints, tooling l ugs, etc.). • Determine those are as/features that should be cast and those that should be machine d due to tolerancing or configuration limitations. • R e commend design t e chniques that minimize distortion when ma c hined and those processes recom mended for long term casting stabilization ( critical optical configurations). • Provide casti ng design, supporting analysis (FEA/NASTRAN), det ail dra wings (casting & mac hining) and solid model (CAD) or variations as required. S ee t he following for typic al approac h: • Disc uss/establish design requirements, goals and gather t he necessary i nterfac e/environmental data via “ SCD ” or appropriat e a gre e d upon format. • Provide preli minary design/layout of propose d approac h for c ustomer evaluation and subsequent update and approval. Note; F EA/NASTRAN analysis would be provided at this time i f required by c ustomer. • Provide detail casting and ma c hining drawings (2D) on c ustomer format per c ustomer specifications and solid model (3D) as required of approved design