FIGURE 5.4 sheeting is cause tr the expansin of crw ue rodl nurlu meerut lacus tu mouth rallel the sart topography are cnmmn in Luge,arnie sanie masses ( n EJ FGURE 5.5 Half fane an eddies aloe in Wienie Natlonal Park tHeo tw c caine
FIGURE 5.3 veer lov wedging kx ns rock fragments (Ms a steep rmk eapoewic, the angular pieces fall to the hue of the cliff and produce a talus sixe (itoo by E. Tarbuck
FIGURE 6.11 nese exposed se illetnee the chracerisi byers ct sedimentary rocks (hoki Iw lmes E Patern)
1 borane Ronzoni 8 nonion Honzon I B nowon Chevron C horden twoo*erod bedrock IGURL 5.19 il prune Muture Mails are cturacterined by a series of lceuontal ners esas rains which sompie the woil prfile
ofsand gran Paaet IIGURE 14.8 Beach dt afd kug lwe cements are cre n bn oliu ely bre ino wa. Those proxewwes tranport Lrge quanlities of meru akg th bex h and m the surf awe TThe Ta Collection Serline, published Iw Merrill Hihlihing Cs, COlumu, MH. Copyndw o 1%, hy Tas Graphic Ats, It A rights remedy