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上海交通大学:《古希腊文明演绎(Greek Classics)》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Lesson 1


上游气通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The Rage of Achilles 漏 p SHANG 1日gG

The Rage of Achilles


上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Who is Achilles?What are his two fates?

Who is Achilles? What are his two fates?

上游充通大学 The lliad SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY © 参考书目: OM H POY I A IA E H M AAA O N 万aT Ta wloueva The lliad trans.by Robert Fagles HOME RI I L I AS,S E V PO T I V S omnia eius qux extant opera. ·《伊利亚特》,陈中梅译 Studio &cura on GLeHANIt 1.C.quamemen datiffime edita,cum ciufdem Scho lijs Indicibus nouis. 《伊利亚特》,罗念生译 《荷马史诗导读》,程志敏 Famous Greeks,Professor Fears ·《古希腊神话的现代解读》 Cum Gratia Priuilegio Cofureo. ARGENTORATI Excudebat Theodofius Rihelius

The Iliad 参考书目: • The Iliad trans. by Robert Fagles • 《伊利亚特》,陈中梅译 • 《伊利亚特》,罗念生译 • 《荷马史诗导读》,程志敏 • Famous Greeks, Professor Fears • 《古希腊神话的现代解读》

上游充通大学 Book 1 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The first three words of lliad. Menin aeide,thea---"rage,sing,goddess" ©“of Peleus'son,Achilles

Book 1 The first three words of Iliad: Menin aeide, thea--- “rage, sing, goddess” “of Peleus’ son, Achilles

上降充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The Rage of Achilles (subject of lliad) The war has been going on for 9 years. starts off with death,as it will end with death. NA不县N县N不N基A个N4N基还 A terrible plague Agiinel fresh Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon Achilles withdraws from the battle Greeks suffered 弟端端瑞尝瑞瑞弟瑞瑞瑞晨 THE RAGE OF ACHILLES TERENCE HAWKINS

The Rage of Achilles (subject of Iliad) The war has been going on for 9 years. starts off with death, as it will end with death. A terrible plague Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon Achilles withdraws from the battle Greeks suffered

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ©诗人并没有像历史叙述那样叙述它的全过程及其 多方面,而撷取其中的一段进行叙述,集中叙述 了发生在战争进行到第10年时约50天里所发生的 事情

诗人并没有像历史叙述那样叙述它的全过程及其 多方面,而撷取其中的一段进行叙述,集中叙述 了发生在战争进行到第10年时约50天里所发生的 事情

上游元通大警 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 对于发生在约50天里的事情,诗人又使它始终围 绕一个人 阿基琉斯,围绕一个事件 阿基琉斯的愤怒展开,叙述了愤怒的起因、愤怒 的后果和愤怒的消解,把其他有关事件统统作为 穿插,从而做到情节的整一性。这种精心的题材 裁剪和结构安排,表明当时的史诗叙事艺术已经 达到了很高的水平

对于发生在约50天里的事情,诗人又使它始终围 绕一个人------阿基琉斯,围绕一个事件----- 阿基琉斯的愤怒展开,叙述了愤怒的起因、愤怒 的后果和愤怒的消解,把其他有关事件统统作为 穿插,从而做到情节的整一性。这种精心的题材 裁剪和结构安排,表明当时的史诗叙事艺术已经 达到了很高的水平

上游充通大兽 Rage of Achilles SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Why was Achilles'rage so serious,so important? Cause,course,consequences "The Rage of Achilles

Rage of Achilles Why was Achilles’ rage so serious, so important? Cause, course, consequences

上游充大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The First Chapter of Iliad Achaea,Achaean,Danaans,Argives ④Achilles,Thetis Agamemnon,Menelaus,Atreus'two sons Chryse,Apollo,Chryseis,Briseis Calchas(the clearest by far of all the seers) ©Nestor

The First Chapter of Iliad Achaea, Achaean, Danaans, Argives Achilles, Thetis Agamemnon, Menelaus, Atreus’ two sons Chryse, Apollo, Chryseis, Briseis Calchas (the clearest by far of all the seers) Nestor

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