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上海交通大学:《古希腊文明演绎(Greek Classics)》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Lesson 2


上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Hector Returns to Troy (Book 6) 謅 SHANG 1日gG

Hector Returns to Troy (Book 6)

上游充大学 Discussion SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 1.Achilles and Agamemnon,who is closer to life? ⑧2.Comments on Hector 国 3.Talk about“seek poetic beauty in death” 4.Comments on Hippolochus Dialogue with Diomedes

Discussion 1. Achilles and Agamemnon, who is closer to life? 2. Comments on Hector 3. Talk about “seek poetic beauty in death” 4. Comments on Hippolochus Dialogue with Diomedes

上游充通大兽 Hector SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Hector:a perfect man,best man of the world Hector first appears and speaks in Book lll. Read Book 6,24 Create an enduring portrait of the enemy of Hector a mighty warrior,glories in war, a compassionate and loving father and husband. a patriot,a tragic hero

Hector Hector: a perfect man, best man of the world Hector first appears and speaks in Book III. Read Book 6, 24 Create an enduring portrait of the enemy of Hector a mighty warrior, glories in war, a compassionate and loving father and husband. a patriot, a tragic hero

上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY ④Free will and Fate: "Everyone wants to be free;or at least have some choice in life

Free will and Fate: “Everyone wants to be free; or at least have some choice in life

上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Read Book 1,2,3,4,5,6,....and Book 24

Read Book 1,2,3,4,5, 6, ….and Book 24

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Outline (Achilles) Achilles withdraw from the battle (Book 1) Trojans push Greeks to the limit Achilles sits at his tent and sulks. Attempt made to bring him back Ships of the Achaeans set to fire Patraclus puts on armor of Achilles Killed by Hector,put on Achilles'armor (b00k16-17) Achilles returned to battle (anger,pains)

Outline (Achilles) Achilles withdraw from the battle (Book 1) Trojans push Greeks to the limit Achilles sits at his tent and sulks. Attempt made to bring him back Ships of the Achaeans set to fire Patraclus puts on armor of Achilles Killed by Hector, put on Achilles’ armor (book 16-17) Achilles returned to battle (anger, pains)

上游充通大兽 Achilles SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Achilles prays to his mother for a new armor, New armor by Hephaestus,magnificent,(book 18) © Like a natural force,searching for Hector Comes upon Hector ©A pact Killed Hector (Achilles'armor)(book 22) takes the body and ties it to his chariot, © drives around and around the walls of Troy

Achilles Achilles prays to his mother for a new armor, New armor by Hephaestus, magnificent, (book 18) Like a natural force, searching for Hector Comes upon Hector A pact Killed Hector (Achilles’ armor) (book 22) takes the body and ties it to his chariot, drives around and around the walls of Troy


上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY too much for the gods themselves keep it fresh Achilles,in his tent,at night,still unwashed receives visit from Priam (old,sympathetic) The gods escorted him old man reminds him of his own father Returns the body,a normal human being The Trojans hold a funeral and bury the body of Hector(ends with death)

too much for the gods themselves keep it fresh Achilles, in his tent, at night, still unwashed, receives visit from Priam (old, sympathetic) The gods escorted him old man reminds him of his own father Returns the body, a normal human being The Trojans hold a funeral and bury the body of Hector (ends with death)

上游充通大兽 Required Reading SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Book 2:The Great Gathering of the Armies Book 3:Helen Reviews the Champions Book 4:The Truce Erupts in War The lliad 10:09 Title Book 5:Diomedes Fights the Gods The lliad Book 6:Hector Returns to Troy AKAICTONIIKGTCAGHOTATONIETGHNCON ANOLSAICDIZIINIEGZGCKONAXAIOI S白NOOFAICKA1)CIAYOCNOINI By Homer

Required Reading Book 2: The Great Gathering of the Armies Book 3: Helen Reviews the Champions Book 4: The Truce Erupts in War Book 5: Diomedes Fights the Gods Book 6: Hector Returns to Troy



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