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上海交通大学:《古希腊文明演绎(Greek Classics)》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)The Rise of Sparta


上游气大学 Shanghal Jiao Tong University Sparta and Athens Professor:Wu Shiyu E-mail:shiyuw@sjtu.edu.cn

Sparta and Athens Professor: Wu Shiyu E-mail: shiyuw@sjtu.edu.cn

2000-700BC 700-600BC 490-479Bc600-400BC 431-404BC399BC 神话时代 城邦崛起 波斯战净 黄金时代 伯罗奔尼撒战净 米诺斯文明 苏格拉底审判 迈锡尼文明 斯巴达 政治 黑暗时代 雅典 经济 特洛伊战净 文化 《荷马史诗》 哲学 1066-771BC 770-221BC 221BC-220AD 西周时期 春秋战国时期 秦汉时期

上游气大学 Shanghal Jiao Tong University The Rise of Sparta

The Rise of Sparta

Uniqueness discipline,loyalty,self-denial

discipline, loyalty, self-denial Uniqueness

Uniqueness "Admired in peace and dreaded in war," Webster's definition: "warlike,brave,hardy,stoical,severe, frugal,and highly disciplined." Plato based his ideal state on certain characteristics of Sparta

“Admired in peace and dreaded in war, ” Webster’s definition: “warlike, brave, hardy, stoical, severe, frugal, and highly disciplined.” Plato based his ideal state on certain characteristics of Sparta. Uniqueness

Thebes Patrae 的rainon Megara .Athens Sicyon· .Peiraeus Corinth Salamis ·EIis Phlius· Mycenae Aegina Olympia I Mantinea Argos Troezen 种 Messene Sparta Pylos Methone Gythium Peloponnesus Cythera www.mlahanas.de

Geography Location ARGOS EPIDAURI MANTINEE TEGEE Aulon SPARTE Thouria Therapne yphanta Epidauros Limera Gytheion ●itylo LE TERRITOIRE LACEDEMONIEN CAP AKRITAS SPARTE cite souveraine CAP MALEE Gytheion cite pericque frontiere de I'Etat lacedemonien limites hypotheriques du territoire de Sparte CAP TENARE

Geography Location

Royaume odryse yae。 THRACE (410) MACEDOINE MER ADRIATIQUE Peiln。 EMPIRE PERSE EPIRE THESSALIE OCRID ARCADIE (4181 Le monde egeen a la veille de la guerre du Peloponnese(431 av.J.-C.) Ci Sanctuaire panhellenique 425 Victoire athenienne ★ Victoire peloponnesienne Athenes et ses allids Sparte et la ligue du Peloponnese Etats grecs neutres Empire perse Royaume de Macedoine

Different dialects of Greek they spoke: The Dorians, The Ionians, and the Aeolians Dorian newcomers from the north(10th) entered the plain Laconia (Helots);

4Different dialects of Greek they spoke: – The Dorians, – The Ionians, – and the Aeolians. Dorian newcomers from the north (10th) entered the plain Laconia (Helots);

Insecure Foundation The Sparta fell into chaos and into crisis.It needed a reform.(7th century BC) Lycurgus,the law-giver

The Sparta fell into chaos and into crisis. It needed a reform. (7 th century BC) Lycurgus, the law-giver Insecure Foundation

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