上游充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Demeter,Persephone,and the Afterlife Wu Shiyu遏 wwwwwv SHANG 1日gG ERSIT
Demeter, Persephone, and the Afterlife Wu Shiyu
上游充通大学 课外作业 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 国 Croesus是“幸福”的还是“幸运”的?评Solon的 幸福观及其现代意义
课外作业 Croesus 是 “幸福”的还是 “幸运”的?评Solon的 幸福观及其现代意义
上游充通大兽 Twelve Olympians SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 5a
Twelve Olympians
上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Twelve Olympians ©Zeus(Jupiter) Hera(Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Demeter (Ceres) Apollo Athena (Minerva) ©Artemis(Diana) Dionysus(Bacchus) Ares(Mars)(Hades (Pluto)) ©Aphrodite(Venus) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Hermes(Mercury)
Twelve Olympians Zeus (Jupiter) Hera (Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Demeter(Ceres) Apollo Athena (Minerva) Artemis (Diana) Dionysus (Bacchus) Ares (Mars)(Hades (Pluto)) Aphrodite (Venus) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Hermes (Mercury)
上游充通大学 Words SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Demeter,Persephone 圈Hades,Tartaros
Words Demeter, Persephone Hades, Tartaros
上游充通大兽 Demeter(德墨忒尔) SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY The goddess of Grain and agriculture
Demeter (德墨忒尔 ) The goddess of Grain and agriculture
上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Daughter ④Zeus and Demeter DEMETER mated once and produced a daughter ©Single daughter ④Persephone
Daughter Zeus and Demeter mated once and produced a daughter Single daughter Persephone
上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Persephone The daughter of Zeus and the harvest goddess Demeter(P.19) The return of Perscphone
Persephone The daughter of Zeus and the harvest goddess Demeter (P.19)
上游充大学 Persephone's Abduction SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Hades seizes Persephone picking flowers in a field Hades takes her down to the Tartaros with him to be his bride. Hades seldom leaves Tartaros; With Zeus's permission,Hades goes out of the Underworld;
Persephone’s Abduction Hades seizes Persephone picking flowers in a field Hades takes her down to the Tartaros with him to be his bride. Hades seldom leaves Tartaros; With Zeus’s permission, Hades goes out of the Underworld;
上游充通大兽 Famine by Demeter SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Sad Not know what happened to her daughter Wanders,looking for Causing famine No grain grow 国 Humanity death(starve)
Famine by Demeter Sad Not know what happened to her daughter Wanders, looking for Causing famine No grain grow Humanity death (starve)