Lenore Flo oxImate Metnods PMPE and PVD provide alternative formulation for probus in structured mechanics. However Hey dont te us how to obtain Hre soltion, just sowe conditions tort the soltion Must saTis kem过pprt (usu elly Inea stions the unknown sowton fields are replaced wi ith e lines conbination of fonctions of sowed functioned dependence. The wn &nouns of te sAten are the promoters appearing in the linear cowloination ot tuctas The resulting lineor combination wlth parameters determina frow the soltion of the algebrac systen is an approxiwotan to the exad sdotiovn. Snce the exaa sowtiondsrnot in eneral De repressed simple functions an error is introduced Rayeich-Rit+t Mehod Introduce a lex Combination of functions of given functiond formas He epproxionte soltion of our ed火() 阅)(分)=建)我=4
We have effectively replaced our "infinite dimneusiond broblem of deterlnine ai()with the problem determining the 3x n coefficints] or paremeters 收 owers this end we introduce out epproxietcon (Xa)in the definition of the poten til energ t an eortc boay「8e 个((am((2)=m(c k x his resols in an epression whose only unknows are ne Coefficients ck. These, are obtained by invokin Hne PMpE A necessary condition for is is the ALL the derivatives of the appan. this furnishes BxnI to its pareMeters should vani eQustions: kuz earths: e valder he potent id enery寸w含正Wse erdf u:ds 从2
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