Unit 4 Body language Writing
Unit 4 Body language Writing
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Revision: Check the homework Meaning Gesture in the Gesture in US China 19I'm full I Putting hand at Patting stomach ate too hroat ently much Rubbing the thumb Mone y the forefinger The same ogether Waving ENO, don't inger from side to sidelone's hands do that e sa We‖done!
Revision: Check the homework Meaning Gesture in the US Gesture in China I’m full. I ate too much. Money No, don’t do that! Well done! Putting hand at throat Patting stomach gently Rubbing the thumb & the forefinger together The same Moving the index finger from side to side Waving one’s hands Thumb up The same
Revision: Check the homework Gesture in the Gesture in Meaning US China Moving the index Moving one’s Come here! linger forward hands up and down with the back ward palm facing down 日 Thats Rolling one'sOpen one's ChnrAincredible eyes eyes and cant believe mouth wide druggie Shaking one’s \I dont know one's shoulders head or hand
Revision: Check the homework Meaning Gesture in the US Gesture in China Come here! That’s incredible. I can’t believe it. I don’t know. Moving the index finger forward & back ward Moving one’s hands up and down with the palm facing down Rolling one’s eyes Open one’s eyes and mouth wide Shrugging one’s shoulders Shaking one’s head or hand
Pairwork: Make a list of boay lang uagemaL expressions showing both positive and negative feelings Smiling Closing your hand and shaking it at someone Positive Negative Body Language Body Language nodding Holding your arms Rolling your eyes Looking toward someone across your and turning your chest head away
Positive Body Language Negative Body Language Pairwork: Make a list of body language expressions showing both positive and negative feelings. Smiling Nodding Looking toward someone Closing your hand and shaking it at someone Holding your arms across your chest Rolling your eyes and turning your head away
Writing task: Work with your partner Discuss Lin Peis behaviour Think about the prolems she might have and write them down Describe her "body language or the behaviour that shows how she feels. Then report to the class S1: I think that there is something wrong with Lin Pei. When I saw her today she turned away from me and wuld not speak S2: yes. when I saw her in the class. she
Writing task: Work with your partner. Discuss Lin Pei’s behaviour. Think about the prolems she might have and write them down. Describe her “body language” or the behaviour that shows how she feels. Then report to the class. S1: I think that there is something wrong with Lin Pei. When I saw her today she turned away from me and wuld not speak. S2: Yes, when I saw her in the class, she…
Assignment Write a composition in which you discuss the different kinds of body language you have seen and heard about. you may discuss the kinds you find unusual, funny or difficult to understand, and why you think we should learn more about body language in different culture
Assignment: • Write a composition in which you discuss the different kinds of body language you have seen and heard about. You may discuss the kinds you find unusual, funny or difficult to understand, and why you think we should learn more about body language in different culture