Wrist-Ank e Acupuncture Therapy
Wrist-Ankle Acupuncture Therapy
Boncept of WAA WAAis a simple new system of acupuncture therapy where needles are inserted subcutaneously only around the wrist and ankles to achieve therapeutic results for disorders located in different parts of the body
Concept of WAA WAA is a simple new system of acupuncture therapy where needles are inserted subcutaneously only around the wrist and ankles to achieve therapeutic results for disorders located in different parts of the body
Characters of WAA Simple and convenient painless and safe great therapeutic value ●ec0n0 nica
Characters of WAA • Simple and convenient • painless and safe • great therapeutic value • economical
Points of WAA W-1,W-2,W-3,W-4,W-5,W-62cun above the wrist crease ·A-1,A-2,A-3,A-4,A-5,A-63Cun above the tip of malleolus
Points of WAA • W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, W-5, W-6 2 cun above the wrist crease • A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6 3 cun above the tip of malleolus
On the ulnar side of the tendon of m.flexor carpi ulnaris,between the tendon and the edge of the ulna
W-1 On the ulnar side of the tendon of m.flexor carpi ulnaris, between the tendon and the edge of the ulna
W-2 Between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis (PC6)
W-2 • Between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis (PC6)
W-3 Between the radial atery and the edge of radius
W-3 • Between the radial atery and the edge of radius
W-4 On the dorsal side extension line from the thumb,superior to the styloid of the wrist process of the radius
W-4 • On the dorsal side extension line from the thumb, superior to the styloid of the wrist process of the radius
W-5 Between the radius and ulna (SJ5)
W-5 • Between the radius and ulna (SJ5)
W-6 On the dorsal little finger side of the ulna border
W-6 • On the dorsal little finger side of the ulna border