∞川大荸 SICHUAN UNIVERSITY NET and net core Languages, Cloud, Mobile anda 4.NET for Data Science and al Pan Wuming 2018
.NET and .NET Core: Languages, Cloud, Mobile and AI 4. .NET for Data Science and AI Pan Wuming 2018
opICS NeT for Machine learning and al F#: Functions as first-Class values Functional Programming F# Language Oriented Programming Pattern Matching MS is an established Al company
Topics • .NET for Machine Learning and AI • F#: Functions as First-Class Values • Functional Programming • F# Language Oriented Programming • Pattern Matching MS is an established AI company!
者各100名左右。进而对这些学者所在机构进行分析,得出A领域全球最具影响力机构TOP100如下 学者数量排名 机构 微软 卡内基梅隆大学 12345678911 麻省理工学院 加州大学伯克利分校 斯坦福大学 IBM 华盛顿大学 乔治亚理工学院 谷歌 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 新加坡国立大学 哈佛大学 NRA(法国计算机科学与自动化研究所) 14 中国香港大学 15 匹兹堡大学 康奈尔大学 17 南加州大学 中国科学院
References M. Gabbrielli, S Martini, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, Springer-Verlag, 2010 · Microsoft docs
References • M. Gabbrielli, S. Martini, Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, Springer-Verlag, 2010 • Microsoft Docs
NeT for Machine Learning and al MLNET: a open source machine learning framework Build. net apps with deep learning libraries like CntK, Tensorflow and Accord.net Azure cognitive services: Vision, Knowledge, Language, Speech and search Azure Machine Learning F# Functional programming To develop GPU-accelerated computing applications on. NET combining the Cuda with Microsoft's F#
.NET for Machine Learning and AI • ML.NET: a open source machine learning framework • Build .NET apps with deep learning libraries like CNTK, Tensorflow and Accord.NET. • Azure cognitive services: Vision, Knowledge, Language, Speech and Search • Azure Machine Learning • F# Functional programming • To develop GPU-accelerated computing applications on .NET, combining the CUDA with Microsoft’s F#
F# Functional programming for data Sc "Data science seeks actionable and F consistent pattern for predictive uses. This F practical engineering goal takes data science le of in beyond traditional analytics. Now the data in those disciplines and applied fields that u lacked solid theories, like health F science and social science, could be sought of S! and utilized to generate powerful predictive models
F# Functional Programming for Data Science and AI • F# Functional programming to focus on function composition • F# Type provider to eliminate the barrier of including a source of information into a program • That is the need to represent that information as types, properties, and methods for use in a programming language environment. • Using F# Units of Measure helps prevent programming errors • F# Language Oriented Programming simplifies the integration of Symbolic AI Programming in .NET Platform. “Data science seeks actionable and consistent pattern for predictive uses. This practical engineering goal takes data science beyond traditional analytics. Now the data in those disciplines and applied fields that lacked solid theories, like health science and social science, could be sought and utilized to generate powerful predictive models
Modern features of ftt Type Inference First class functions Pattern Matching Object support
Modern Features of F# • Type Inference • First Class Functions • Pattern Matching • Object Support
Type Interence //name is inferred to be a string based on usage let printMessage name printf Hello there, %s! \n"name //'names' is inferred to be a sequence of strings let printNames names names Seq iter printMessage let names =["Ana;"Felipe;"Emillia printNames names
Type Inference // 'name' is inferred to be a string based on usage. let printMessage name = printfn "Hello there, %s!\n" name // 'names' is inferred to be a sequence of strings. let printNames names = names |> Seq.iter printMessage let names = [ "Ana"; "Felipe"; "Emillia" ] printNames names
First class functions let square x=X*X let isodd x=x%2<>0 let sumofoddSquares nums nums> List filter isodd> list. sum By square let numbers=[1; 2, 3 4; 5 let sum sumOfoddSquares numbers printf" The sum of the odd squares in %A is %d"numbers sum
First Class Functions let square x = x * x let isOdd x = x % 2 <> 0 let sumOfOddSquares nums = nums |> List.filter isOdd |> List.sumBy square let numbers = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] let sum = sumOfOddSquares numbers printfn "The sum of the odd squares in %A is %d" numbers sum
Pattern Matching type Shape Square of side: double Rectangle of width: double length: double let getArea shape match shape with Square side-> side x side I Rectangle(width, length )-> width length let square= Square 2.0 printf"The area of the square is %f(getArea square)
Pattern Matching type Shape = | Square of side: double | Rectangle of width: double * length: double let getArea shape = match shape with | Square side -> side * side | Rectangle (width, length) -> width * length let square = Square 2.0 printfn "The area of the square is %f" (getArea square)