General introduction Ion channels G-protein coupled receptors Second messengers Tyrosine kinase receptors From plasma membrane to the nucleus Regulation of gene expression Cytokine signaling Cell cycle Apoptosis Cell signaling and diseases
General introduction Ion channels G-protein coupled receptors Second messengers Tyrosine kinase receptors From plasma membrane to the nucleus: Regulation of gene expression Cytokine signaling Cell cycle Apoptosis Cell signaling and diseases
Eukaryotic cell cycle M Phase Mitosis(nuclear G2 Phase division) and Go Phase No dNa cytokinesis Terminally synthesis (cell division) differentiated RNA and yield two cells withdraw protein daughter cells. from cell cycle thesis indefinitely. continue M GO 1 h R oint 34h A cell returning from Go enters at early GI phas GI s 6-12h 6-8h GI Phase RNA and protein synt No dna synthesis S Phase DNA synthesis Restriction point doubles the A cell that passes this amount of dNA point is committed in the cell RNA to pass into S phase and protein also synthesized
Eukaryotic cell cycle
The cell cycle of the fission yeast S pombe Chromosome Spindle pole body duplication Spindle formation Chromosome segregation DNA Nuclear replication di ○;O Cytokinesis START Growth
The cell cycle of the fission yeast S. pombe
In vitro maturation of Xenopus oocytes and assay of maturation-promoting factor(MPF) Progesterone Sperm Arrested Meiosis I Meiotic Egg arrested Fertilized First oocyte (metaphase) interphase in meiosis ll egg cleavage (metaphase) b Assay for M Transfer MPF cytoplasm Eag arrested G2-arrested n metaphase ll yte
In vitro maturation of Xenopus oocytes and assay of maturation-promoting factor(MPF) G2-arrested oocyte
MPF activity Progesterone Fertilization G, arrest Meiosis I Meiosis Il First Second metaphase arrest embryonic embryonic mItosIs mitosis Time
MPF activity
MPF activity Metaphase High cyclin B High MPF activity Cyclin B Protein Prophase kinase subunit Inactive ATP ADP Active Proteasome Synthesis of cyclin B Late functions Late anaphase Interphase Low cyclin B Low MPF activity Teloph
MPF activity
Variations in the activities of specific CDKs during the cell cycle in animals G1 G 2 M G1 Cyclin B-CDKI :o日 Cyclin A-CDK2 Cyclin E-CDK2 Time
Variations in the activities of specific CDKs during the cell cycle in animals
Regulation of Cdk activity by phophorylation and proteolysis lation on Tyr ② Cyclin hosphorylation of Thr in T loop and CDK phosphorylates phosphatase, wh activates more CDK I ① P No cyclin CDK ig inactive ⑦ DBRP tn DBRP, activating molecules to cycli by ubiquitin 8) degraded leaving CDK inactive
Regulation of CDK activity by phophorylation and proteolysis
Activation of cyclin-dependent protein kinases( CDks)by clin and phophorylation CDK2 T ATP cyclin CDK2
Activation of cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) by cyclin and phophorylation CDK2 T loop ATP cyclin CDK2