Payload range and speed Gordon Mckinzie United Airlin UUNITED
Payload, Range and Speed. Where Will We Go and Why WUNITE D
Fleet mix and growth assessment High Capacity A380-747X Seats ng Widebodies Long Range 100-400 seats International RJ 70-100 Seats RJ 30-55 Seats Range 1000 nmi WUNITE D 79740018
ASM Forecasts Will Define "First Cut Fleet Expansion Forecast ASM nds Case 2 Case 1 Ref Flat Available Seat Miles (ASMs Existing Retirements WUNITE D
The airline cost, revenue and profit scenario Revenue Cost (s) Ownership Indirect costs Overhead Fixed cost Administrative Non-flying assets Seat-miles UUNITED
The airline cost, revenue and profit scenario Revenue Cost(S) Crew Total cost(ASMs Fu Variable cost Fees ps support Fixed cost at-miles UUNITED
The airline cost, revenue and profit scenario Profit Revenue Cost(S) Total cost(ASMs) Break-even Seat-miles UUNITED
The airline cost, revenue and profit scenario Opening up the profit potential Profit Revenue Cost (S) Total cost(ASMs Seat-miles UUNITED 7974K0027
Optimizing The Interior Design 性它 WUNITE D
Key Criteria for a Successful Interior Must be a" product differentiator"for the airline. Must encourage "re-booking potential"with passengers. u Must produce maximum revenue from available cabin volume Must be maintenance friendly, with common components WUNIT E D