005es Part B: engineering ELSEVIER Composites: Part B 32(2001)637-649 Comparative study of high temperature composites C.G. Papakonstantinou",P Balaguru,RE. Lyon " Department of Civil Engineering, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA Materials Research Engineer, FAA Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ, USA Received 30 July 2001: accepted 29 August 2001 Abstract Two classes of composite made using either ceramic matrix with high temperature fibers or carbon/carbon have been used for various applications that require high temperature resistance, over three decades. However, their use has been limited to special applications because of the high costs associated with fabrication. Typically the composites are cured at more than 1000C, and in most instances the heating has also to be carried out in controlled environments. In addition, because of the high processing temperature, only certain type of expensive fibers can be used with the ceramic matrices. a recently developed inorganic matrix, called polysialate can be cured at temperatures less than 50C, making it possible to use carbon and glass fibers Composites made using carbon, glass and combinations of carbon and glass fibers have been tested in bending and tension. This paper presents the comparison of processing requirements and mechanical properties of carbon/ carbon composites, ceramic matrix composites made with silicon carbide, silicon nitride and alumina fibers and carbon/polysialate comp sites. The results indicate that carbon/polysialate composite has mechanical properties comparable to both carbon/carbon and ceramic matrix composites at room and high temperatures. Since the polysialate composites are much less expensive, the authors believe that it has excellent potential for more applications in aerospace, automobile and naval structures. C 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Keywords: A Carbon-carbon composites(CCCs): A Ceramic-matrix composites(CMCs); B Mechanical properties; B High-temperature properties 1. Introduction require curing temperatures in excess of 1000.C, commonly used high strength fibers such as carbon or glass cannot be In most cases, lightweight high strength composites ar used. The most economical fiber type is the silicon carbide made with carbon or glass fibers and organic matrices In (Nicalon), which is an order of magnitu spite of the excellent mechanical properties, these compo- than carbon(-$1250/kg). Specialized, very high temperature sites cannot be used in high temperature applications. In resistant fibers can cost as much as $66,000 per kilogram certain cases such as aerospace and naval structure applica- If the cost of the high temperature composite is reduced tions, exposure to high temperatures during accidents not their use could increase many fold, especially in automobile only reduces the mechanical properties but also results in structures. The development of a low temperature cure toxic fumes and smokes In applications that require more inorganic matrix, known as geopolymer or polysialate than 200"C temperature exposure, most organic matrix provides an excellent opportunity for achieving the goal composites cannot be used. For these kinds of applications, of producing a low cost, high temperature resistant opposites with carbon or ceramic matrices have been used for more than three decades. Use of these high temperature Polysialate resins cure at temperatures less than 150C composites is limited to high end use because of their high and certain formulations can be cured even at a room temp- cost and special processing requirements erature of 22C. Both carbon and glass fiber have been used to In the case of carbon/carbon(C/C)composites, the major fabricate composite laminates. It has been shown that the factor that contributes to the cost is high temperature cure, matrix can withstand more than 1000.C without producing often exceeding 1000.C. Special high temperature resistant smoke and carbon composite retained about 63% of original equipment is needed for fabricating these composites. In strength after exposure to 800C [1, 2]. In addition, the plates the case of ceramic matrices. the cost of fibers is the ma were fabricated using the procedure and equipment that are contributing factor. Since most ceramic matrices also utilized for organic composites. Hence economical commercially available fabrication equipment and know Corresponding author. Tel. +1-732-445-2232: fax: + 1-732-445-0577 how such as vacuum assisted impregnation can be utilized E-mail address: cpapakon(@rci. rutgers. edu(.G. Papakonstantinou for composites made with polysialates. Considerable 1359-8368/01/S- see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PI:S1359-8368(01)00042-7
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G Papakonstantinou et al./ Composites: Part B 32(2001)637-649 Table 1 Fiber information(NA: not available) Silicon carbide SNF Sic Carbon Carbon Alumina Carbon M600 Tonen Hi-Nicalon SCS-6 Amoco T-300 Tonen PRD.166 FT600 at2300°C Tensile modulus ( Tensile strength( (gPa) Strain to failure(%) Specific gravity 2.5 6NNNN Temp use <1300 1400 Cost (USS/kg) 1250 NA 5500-880066000 NA NNN amounts of testing have been carried out to evaluate A careful review of tables 1 and 2 lead to the following polysialate matrix composites for mechanical properties observations. behavior after high temperature exposure, and durability under various exposure conditions [1-5] Carbon fibers are the most economical with good The results presented in this paper deal with the compar mechanical properties and could sustain 400C under ison of polysialate composites with carbon/carbon and other oxidizing conditions and higher temperatures if supply ceramic matrix composites. The paper is divided into seven of oxygen is limited sections, dealing with: (1) properties of fibers, (ii) properties Ceramic fibers provide a much higher temperature range of matrices, (iii) fabrication procedures, (iv) possible Most of them can sustain 1000C as compared with about fiber volume fractions and effect of fiber orientations, (v) 400° for carbon fiber load transfer between fiber and matrix, (vi) mechanical The tensile strength of ceramic fibers is usually higher properties, and(vii) conclusions than the strength of carbon fibe Carbon fibers are available with three moduli of elasticity of 300, 600 and 900 GPa. For ceramic fibers, the range is 2. Properties of fibers 190-470GPa. Failure strains for carbon and ceramic fibers are about the The fibers used in the composites discussed in this paper same. Depending on the modulus of elasticity, failure are carbon. silicon carbide. silicon nitride. carbon/silicon carbide. alumina and alumina/zirconia. Table 1 contains strain of carbon varies from 0.004 to 0.015 as compared with 0.006 to 0.018 for ceramic fibers information of their mechanical properties as well as current Carbon fibers are lighter than ceramic fibers pproximate costs. It should be noted that the type of fiber for the ceramic matrices composites(CMC)is silicon carbide based fibers with the commercial name of 3. Properties of matrices Nicalon Polymer derived Sic based fibers like Nicalon and SCS [6 are the strongest ceramic fibers known. Nicalon The matrix properties that affect the mechanical behavior fibers have good oxidation resistance but show serious of composites are: (i)the modulus of elasticity, (ii)stress thermal degradation at temperatures higher than 1000C strain behavior, (iii) strain capacity,(iv) bond strengt [7. The SCs (a multilayered C/SiC fiber substrate) is a between fibers and matrix, and(v) strengths in tension, monofilament fiber produced by chemical vapor deposition compression and shear. In most cases the stress-strain on a carbon fiber [6]. It exhibits the highest creep rupture behavior is linear and the strain capacities in tension are and excellent high temperature performance. Saphikon much lower than strain capacities in compression, and the (alumina) is another monofilament fiber, which is one of matrix bonds well with the fibers. Since matrix strain capa the most expensive of the ceramic fibers but has the highest city in tension is much less than the strain capacity of fibers, creep resistance strength, elastic modulus and excellent high matrix micro-cracking occurs in the tension zones of the temperature performance [8]. A summary of the common composite ceramic fibers and information on their composition, fabri Unfortunately, reported information on matrix properties cation method, manufacturer, density, fiber diameter, is limited to the modulus of elasticity. However, based on number of fibers in each tow, elastic modulus, strength, the composite properties, it can be assumed that the matrices coefficient of thermal expansion and suggested maximum are brittle with low tensile strain capacity and are linearly use temperature is presented in Table 2. This table was elastic. The modulus of ceramic matrix varies from a low of prepared using the information published by the Committee 72 GPa for the glass(N51A)to a high of 400 GPa for the on Advanced Fibers for High Temperature Ceramic SiC matrix. Typical values for CAS matrix is 120 GPa Composites [8] and data supplied by fiber manufacturers [9, 10] where as both Si3 N4 and zircon matrices have a
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