E驅≈3S ournal of the European Ceramic Society 21(2001)883-892 w.elsevier. com/locate/jeurc Design and characterisation of a co-extruder to produce trilayer ceramic tubes semi-continuously Z. Liang S blackburn* IRC in Materials for High Performance Applications and School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT, UK Received 20 June 2000: accepted 2 October 2000 Abstract A co-extruder with three separate barrels operated by a single ram has been designed to produce trilayer tubes semi-continuously A vital step in the design was to predict the pressure required to generate a sufficiently high extrudate velocity while being able to retain the extrudate integrity. a physically based model was used to predict the pressure drops in the co-extrusion process at three different extrusion velocities for five pastes with different rheological characteristics. In general, predicted and measured values were in good agreement. Other important aspects in the co-extruder design, such as velocity and pressure matching of different flow streams are also highlighted. Trilayer ceramic tubes were successfully produced from the designed co-extruder. C 2001 Elsevier Science ltd. All rights reserved Keywords: Al2O3; Clays; Composites; Plasticity; Shaping: Extrusion 1. Introduction in that each die can produce only one shape, but this generally acceptable in the production environment Co-extrusion has been used to produce fine-scale In this work, a design procedure for developing a co- complex ceramic objects. These complex shapes were extruder with three separate barrels to produce trilayer formed by first producing lay-up feed rod assemblies. ceramic tubes semi-continuously without the need for When extruded the extrudates were re-assembled into a hand assembly is described further feed rod and extruded again. This process was Tube forming requires the pastes to flow through dies repeated to reduce the size and multiply the number of with a central mandrel. Conventionally a spider sup- shaped patterns. USing similar procedures, multilayer ports this mandrel and the paste must rejoin after pas ceramic tubes were produced by Liang and Blackburn. 2 sing the spider arms. This can lead to defects known as While this process can produce very complex fine struc- "lamination"which weaken the tube structure. Stronger tures, it is time-consuming and lacks continuity because tubes are formed, where no spider is used, but this nor of the need to produce lay-ups before each extrusion. mally requires a moving mandrel In the design for tri- Therefore, this route has not yet been fully accepted by layer tube extrusion, the problem of which design to use the ceramics industry is compounded by the need to bring the three materials Shannon and Blackburn'successfully designed a co- together to form three distinct and complete concentric extruder which ble to produce laminates from two layers. A compromise intermediate design was used separate feeds, but with only a flat plate configuration. whereby for each individual layer the paste was fed via a This highlights the difficulty with continuous processes manifold around the pin. 4 This requires the pin to have a reasonably large diameter to prevent distortion from try of the paste. The joining of paste behind the pin could form a"lamination"in each layer, but by geometrically arranging the flows these 4 Corresponding aut laminations could be offset in the three layers minimiz E-mail address: s blackburn ( a bham ac uk(S Blackburn). ing the effect. 0955-2219/01/S. see front matter C 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII:S0955-2219(00)00292-2
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Z. Liang, S. Blackburn/Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21(2001)883-892 2. Co-extruder, structural design Based on this principle, a die assembly to transfer the three different materials from their The designs aim was to produce trilayer tubes, the respective barrels to form concentric layers around a material for each layer being supplied from three sepa- central mandrel (Pin 1). This was achieved by using an ate barrels. To achieve this each material was to be assembly of four dies. The flow paths for the three dif- applied consecutively around the central mandrel ferent materials through the first three dies are illu- through a series of manifolds. By assuring constant strated in Fig. 2. The central mandrel(Pin 1)was volumetric displacement, the design made use of a single screwed into the bottom of the barrel block containing constant speed drive from a load frame, pushing the the three barrels. Around this pin a die was placed three plungers through a force transmission plate. Three denoted Die I and shown in Fig. 3. Die I had two removable steel balls were placed between the plungers transition holes, a middle hole forming the die land, a and the top drive plate to tolerate any misalignment transition slot and a thin die wall extension. The middle between the different plungers. The key aspects of the and outer layer materials were transferred to Die 2 design are shown in Fig. 1 through the transition holes. The inner layer material filled the transition slot and flowed down the central hole around the inner mandrel(Pin 1). The metal tube extension at the bottom of die l forms the mandrel for Die 2 and is denoted Pin 2. This extension preserved the Force transmission plate shape of the inner layer extrudate during later layer am for inner layer Ram for middle layer formation. Dies 2 and 3 had similar structures to Die 1 but with reducing numbers of transition holes. Thus, there are three mandrels(Pins 1-3)associated with three dies dies 1-3)when the die set is assembled. The design ould therefo Central pirt materials with gaps between each layer as shown in Fig 4. A final conical die, Die 4(Fig. 4), compressed the layers to give the final trilayer tube structure around Pin 1. The assembly was held in place by location pins and clamp ring as shown in Fig. I Die 4 2. Co-extruder dimensions Fig. 1. The external view of the co-extruder. Having developed a flow scheme and physical struc- ure for the co-extruder, the dimensions of the compo nents were fixed by considering the following criteria Middle laye Transition hole I Transition slot Transi Fig. 2. Illustration of flow streams within the die assembly Fig 3. A schematic drawing of Die I
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Z. Liang, S. Blackburn/Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21(2001)883 I. Without Die 4 in place, the three layers should Hence. the diameters of the barrels were obtained travel at the same velocity so that using eq ( 3) ouL.x 2. Pressure matching without Die 4 in place for dif- where Vix is the extrudate velocity for layer i at the ferent layers (Pin= Pmid= Pout) is a natural con- exit of the die assembly without Die 4 in place. If sequence of the design. The three plungers are one paste travels faster than others, delamination forced to move down at the same speed by the load or air bubbles may appear between adjacent layers frame. If the resistance on one plunger is higher than of the extrudate. Vi x can be calculated by the fol- that on the others, then that will govern the pressure lowing equation. development. However, any significant imbalance induced by the design or paste mismatching would lead to twisting in the system and potentially mechanical failure. Therefore the design aimed to where Aio is the area of the barrel for layer i, Aix is give the same pressure drop through each channel the toroidal area for layer i exiting Dies 1-3 with for a paste of the same rheology out Die 4 present. Vo is the ram speed. As the ram The pressure drop in the transition slot (PB) peed and the velocity at the exit of the die assem hould be much less than in the tube land (pc) bly are the same for all three layers, the barrel This pressure difference ensures the slot is fully fil diameters must be different, and Eqs.(1)and(2) to the tube die land can then be ged to give that uniform filling of the layers can be achieved 4. The load required for co-extrusion should not Ain.x Amid x Aouto Aix mechanical design of the barrel and die bly. Aix is normally defined by the final application of The limit here has been set at 100 kn by the load the products. In the experimental extruder the lay- frame used to drive the system. In addition, the ers at the exit of the assembly of dies 1-3 were set to load should be as low as possible to keep the be I mm thick, separated by walls I mm thick. extruder construction costs to a minimum With the exception of the first criterion, it is pressure The bottom of Die 3 drop which is the critical parameter. Pressure drops were predicted before constructing the co-extruder. The X and the top of Die 4 cross-sectional areas and lengths of transition slots and transition holes were varied until all the listed criteria 2 and 4 were satisfied. Details of the pressure prediction Pin 1 methods are given in a later section Die 1/Pin 2 2.2. Producing trilaver tubes by the designed co-extruder Die 2/ Pin3 Trilayer tubes were successfully produced by the designed co-extruder. Figs. 5 and 6 show samples of two types of trilayer tubes extruded from the design. The outer diameter of the tubes was 6 mm and the inner diameter was DIE 4 2 mm. The illustrated tubes had well defined roundness Pin I uniform wall thickness and smooth inner and outer sur faces. However, experience showed that successful co- extrusion with this co-extruder was strongly dependent on the paste properties. The paste properties could be adjus ted through formulation to allow successful processing 1. Of prime importance is that the pastes have well matched rheological properties. The dimensions of the co-extruder were determined based on this assumption. Any rheological resulted in force differences on the three plungers and velocit differences in Die 4. Force imbalance brought about Fig 4. A schematic drawing of Die 4. by different rheological behaviour in the three pastes
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