have to admit that China still has a long way to go in its development of translation theory and practice. With its booming兴旺的,繁荣的 economy and the expansion of its political influence in the international community, China now is facing a new challenge in translation studies IL. The nature and classification of translation( see students'book) Ill. The units of translation(see students'book IV. The standard of translation(see students'booko 1. One is set up by Yan Fu(ki)on the basis of" faithfulness, expre essiveness and elegance"(faithfulness to be faithful to the content of the original expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original; elegance: to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence patterns before Han Dynasty.)(信、达、雅).(信: 意义不倍(背)本文,忠实于原文:达:尽译文语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥 于原文形式,信、达二者统一;雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。他认 为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法”——实际上即所谓上等的文言文,才算 登大雅之堂。)(加上课本p8中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by Lu Xun(鲁迅) on the basis of“ rather being faithful in thought than smooth in language'(宁信而不顺) 3. The new China witnesses two important scholars on translation. One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. The former suggests " achieve the'spiritof the original or expression resemblance”(神似).(译文同原文如果能在形式上和精 神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似”和“神似”,这是翻译的高标准。Mr Qian Zhongshu puts forward the ideas of" transfiguration or conversion "which aimed at" perfection(化境).(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文的“投胎转世” 文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了 译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样 化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle of faithful 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there appeared another translator, the me An(in 3). He suggested"preaching according to the original without any deduction or addition”(案本而传,不令有损言游字:按照原文的本意) In the history of western translation theories, there appeared a lot of translation theorists. Here we only mention some representative opinions on translation criteria Alexander Raster Tytler proposed the famous three principles in his essay on the principles of translation, in which he thought thatthe translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and the manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original; the translation should8 have to admit that China still has a long way to go in its development of translation theory and practice. With its booming 兴旺的,繁荣的 economy and the expansion of its political influence in the international community, China now is facing a new challenge in translation studies. II. The nature and classification classification classification classification of translation translation translation translation (see students students students students’ book) III. The units of translation translation translation translation (see students students students students’ book) IV. The standard standard standard standard of translation translation translation translation (see students students students students’ book) 1. One is set up by Yan Fu (严复) on the basis of “faithfulness faithfulness faithfulness faithfulness , expressiveness expressiveness expressiveness expressiveness and elegance elegance elegance elegance” (faithfulness: to be faithful to the content of the original; expressiveness: to be as expressive as the original; elegance: to be elegant if a translator uses words or sentence patterns before Han Dynasty .)(信、达、雅). (信: 意义不倍(背)本文,忠实于原文;达:尽译文语言所能事以求原义明显,不拘泥 于原文形式,信、达二者统一;雅:脱离原文而片面追求译文本身的古雅。他认 为只有译文本身采用“汉以前字法句法”——实际上即所谓上等的文言文,才算 登大雅之堂。) (加上课本 p.8 中间的内容评论) 2. The other is put forward by Lu Xun (鲁迅) on the basis of “rather being faithful faithful faithful faithful in thought thought thought thought than smooth in language language language language”(宁信而不顺). 3. The new China witnesses two important scholars on translation. One is Fu Lei and the other is Qian Zhongshu. The former suggests “achieve achieve achieve achieve the ‘spirit’ of the original original original original or expression expression expression expression resemblance resemblance resemblance resemblance”(神似). (译文同原文如果能在形式上和精 神上同时一致起来,或称能达到“形似” 和“神似”,这是翻译的高标准。)Mr. Qian Zhongshu puts forward the ideas of “transfiguration transfiguration transfiguration transfiguration or conversion conversion conversion conversion” which aimed at “perfection perfection perfection perfection”(化境).(所谓“化境”‘就是原作向译文的“投胎转世” , 文字形式虽然换了,而原文投胎的思想、感情、风格、神韵都原原本本的化到了 译文的境界里了,丝毫不留下翻译的痕迹,让读者读译作就完全像在读原作一样。 化境是比传神更高的翻译标准。) They two follow the principle of faithfulness. 4. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there appeared another translator, the monk Dao An ( 释 道 安 ). He suggested “preaching preaching preaching preaching according according according according to the original original original original without without without without any deduction deduction deduction deduction or addition addition addition addition” (案本而传,不令有损言游字: 按照原文的本意). In the history of western translation theories, there appeared a lot of translation theorists. Here we only mention some representative opinions on translation criteria. Alexander Fraster Tytler proposed the famous three principles in his essay on the principles of translation, in which he thought that “the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and the manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original; the translation should
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