S6parntinmomanmproteinstyolectroptorosie Beta IgG Peak Patient serum with multiple myeloma andode -Cethode The hemolytic plaque assay is based on the ability of antibody secreted by a single plasma cell (mature B cell)to bind to an antigenic determinant of an erythrocyte. This can be either a red blood cell antigen or an antigen that has been covalently sheep red blood cells were used Antibodies bind to the sRBC and complement is added to rupture the sRBC.The hemolytic plaque assay is based on the ability of antibody secreted by a single plasma cell (mature B cell) to bind to an antigenic determinant of an erythrocyte. This can be either a red blood cell antigen or an antigen that has been covalently attached to a red blood cell. In the attached figure, sheep red blood cells were used to immunize a mouse, B cells were then collected from the spleen and mixed with sRBC. Antibodies bind to the sRBC and complement is added to rupture the sRBC
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