operations书面算术运算, for example, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extraction 13 The Transl_ tion of western cl_ asics: The Third Peak(鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政 治思想和文学翻译) The Opium [oupjom] War(1840-1842)and the singing of the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing ushered['Na]引导展示 in the third peak of translation activity in China's history, lasting from the mid 1gth century to the eve auy of the may 4th Movement, with emphasis on Western works of ocial sciences, military sciences and literature. Some representative figures include 131 Lin Zexu(林则徐 Respectfully regarded as a national hero against British opium trade and "the first Chinese who opened his eyes to look at the outside world", Lin Zexu(1785-1850), a government official was also an eminent organizer of translation activity during this period. He established a translation centre in Guangzhou to render some foreign works on history and geography into Chinese as well as gather information from the Western press 132LSh_nn(李善兰) 1.33 Lin Shu(林纾shu)(陈宏薇P8) Lin Shu(1852-1924), a traditional Chinese scholor, has been regarded as the pioneer of literary translation in China due to his large quantity of translations of Western novels Interestingly, Lin Shu never did hid job independently, instead, he translated with the assistance of interpreters because he himself did not know any foreign languages. He penned elegant classical Chinese versions of a wide range of foreign works such as Uncle Tom3Cabm(《黑奴吁录》《汤 姆叔叔的小屋》); David Copperfield(《块肉余生述》《大卫.科波菲尔》) Oliver Twist(《贼 史》《雾都孤儿》 134Y_nFu(严复) Living in the late Qing society constantly threatened by colonial expansion and profoundly shocked by the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki(《马关条约》) of April 1895 with Japan,Yan Fu(1853-1921), became an active reformist and devoted to weaving via r'vaie, ' vi: l eE his translation Western studies in the broad space of the Chinese language. The 1898 translation of Thomas Henry Huxley's Evolution and Ethics(《天演论》) established his reputation throughout the country, in which he rendered“ natural selection and survival of the fittest" into物竟天择,适 E1, a widely quoted saying coming down to this day. In the preface to the translated Evolution and ethics, Yan Fu set down the triple三个一组 translation criteria,, namely, faithfulness(信) expressiveness((达) and elegance(雅)”, with which he opened a new chapter in the translation history of China6 operations书面算术运算, for example, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, extraction of a root, etc. 1.3The Translation Translation Translation Translation of Western Western Western Western Classics: Classics: Classics: Classics: The Third Peak(鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政 治思想和文学翻译) The Opium ['əupjəm] War (1840-1842) and the singing of the first unequal Treaty of Nanjing ushered['ʌʃə] 引导,展示 in the third peak of translation activity in China’s history, lasting from the mid 19th century to the eve 前夕 of the may 4th Movement, with emphasis on Western works of social sciences, military sciences and literature. Some representative figures include: 1.3.1 Lin Zexu (林则徐) Respectfully regarded as a national hero against British opium trade and “the first Chinese who opened his eyes to look at the outside world”, Lin Zexu (1785-1850), a government official, was also an eminent organizer of translation activity during this period. He established a translation centre in Guangzhou to render some foreign works on history and geography into Chinese as well as gather information from the Western press. 1.3.2 Li Shanlan Shanlan Shanlan Shanlan(李善兰) 1.3.3 Lin Shu(林纾 shū)(陈宏薇 P.8) Lin Shu (1852-1924), a traditional Chinese scholor, has been regarded as the pioneer of literary translation in China due to his large quantity of translations of Western novels. Interestingly, Lin Shu never did hid job independently, instead, he translated with the assistance of interpreters because he himself did not know any foreign languages. He penned elegant classical Chinese versions of a wide range of foreign works such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin (《黑奴吁录》《汤 姆叔叔的小屋》);David Copperfield (《块肉余生述》《大卫.科波菲尔》);Oliver Twist(《贼 史》《雾都孤儿》) 1.3.4 Yan Fu(严复) Living in the late Qing society constantly threatened by colonial expansion and profoundly shocked by the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki (《马关条约》) of April 1895 with Japan, Yan Fu (1853-1921), became an active reformist and devoted to weaving via ['vaiə, 'vi:ə] 经由 his translation Western studies in the broad space of the Chinese language. The 1898 translation of Thomas Henry Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics (《天演论》) established his reputation throughout the country, in which he rendered “natural selection and survival of the fittest” into 物竟天择,适 者 生 存 , a widely quoted saying coming down to this day. In the preface to the translated Evolution and Ethics, Yan Fu set down the triple 三 个 一 组 translation criteria, namely, “faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅)”,with which he opened a new chapter in the translation history of China
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