《三国演义》; Outlays of the Marsh《水浒》;Omam犯法后躲藏起来的人,Mms沼泽、湿 地) In the Tang Dynasty, Xuan Zang(600-664), the most eminent figure of the first peak translation history, arrived in India after countless trials and brought back to the capital Changan 657 collections of sutras[sutr]佛经经典 in the original. In the 19 years preceding his death,he translated 75 collections(1, 335volumes)of them, which is more than half the total translations of Buddhist scriptures done in the dynasty. Xuan Zang tried many translation methods and developed his epoch-making[ i pok meikin]划时代的 criteria that translation“ must be faithful and intelligible易理解的 to the populace' copulas]平民,大眾”(既须求真,又须喻俗) 12 The translation of books on science and technology: The second peak(科技翻译:中国的 士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。) The second peak, lasting for a span of 200 years, began in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties around the 17th century. With the arrival of Jesuit['dzezjuit missionaries from Italy Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Poland, China came into contact Tkontaekt] with the Western world gradually. Many missionaries had their works or translations published in China, and many concerned science and technology ranging from astronomy stream天文学, mathematics, physics and metallurgy me'taeled3i]治金學 to anatomy [a' nstemi]剖析,解剖學,骨骸, biology生物学 and cartography[ka: togrefi]地图制作,制 图法制图 Two important figures are worth mentioning here 1.2.1 Xu Guangqi(徐光启 xu guang qi) Xu Guangqi( 1562-1633), a distinguished scientist and a senior official of the late Ming Dynasty, played a remarkable role in introducing Western science into China when it was labeled as an unorthodox term by most traditional scholars. during his charge of the Hanlin Academy (4a F E)in Beijing, the top academic institution in China, Xu cooperated with the Italian Jesuit d3 zjut耶稣会信徒 Matteo Ricci((利玛窦) in translating the 13 volumes of euclid' s Iju kid Elements of Geometry[ d3i'5mitri(《几何原本》), though only6 volumes( the part of plane geometry)were actually translated. Many of the terms in the translation are still in use today, such as point, line, straight line, curve Hsa, parallel lines, angle, right angle, acute angle i%fi,obtuse b,tju s angle钝角, triangle, quadrilateral [ kwodri'laetaral]四边形etc. 122Lzho(李之藻zao) Living in the same period as Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao(1569-1630) was also an eminent scientist as well as famous translator. Under the guidance of Matteo Ricci, Li acquired plenty of Western knowledge and later became a Catholic fkaeealik]天主教徒In1613 Li Zhizao and matteo ricci translated Tong Wen Suan Zhi(《同文算指》), which illustrated how to perform written arithmetic5 《三国演义》;Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒》; Outlaw 犯法后躲藏起来的人,Marsh 沼泽、湿 地) In the Tang Dynasty, Xuan Zang (600-664), the most eminent figure of the first peak in translation history, arrived in India after countless trials and brought back to the capital Chang’an 657 collections of sutras ['su:trə] 佛经,经典 in the original. In the 19 years preceding his death, he translated 75 collections (1,335volumes) of them, which is more than half the total translations of Buddihist scriptures done in the dynasty. Xuan Zang tried many translation methods and developed his epoch-making ['i:pɔk'meikiŋ] 划时代的 criteria that translation “must be faithful and intelligible 易理解的 to the populace [ 'pɔpjuləs ] 平民,大眾 ” (既须求真,又须喻俗). 1.2 The translation translation translation translation of books on science science science science and technology: technology: technology: technology: The second peak(科技翻译:中国的 士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。) The second peak, lasting for a span of 200 years, began in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties around the 17th century. With the arrival of Jesuit [ 'dʒezjuit ] missionaries from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Poland, China came into contact ['kɔntækt] with the Western world gradually. Many missionaries had their works or translations published in China, and many concerned science and technology ranging from astronomy [ə'strɔnəmi] 天文学, mathematics, physics and metallurgy [ me'tælədʒi ] 冶金學 to anatomy [ ə'nætəmi ] 剖析,解剖學,骨骸, biology 生物学 and cartography [kɑ:'tɔgrəfi] 地图制作,制 图法,制图. Two important figures are worth mentioning here: 1.2.1 Xu Guangqi(徐光启 xú guāng qǐ) Xu Guangqi(1562-1633), a distinguished scientist and a senior official of the late Ming Dynasty, played a remarkable role in introducing Western science into China when it was labeled as an unorthodox term by most traditional scholars. During his charge of the Hanlin Academy(翰 林 院 ) in Beijing, the top academic institution in China, Xu cooperated with the Italian Jesuit ['dʒezjuit] 耶稣会信徒 Matteo Ricci(利玛窦) in translating the 13 volumes of Euclid’s ['ju:klid] Elements of Geometry [dʒi'ɔmitri] (《几何原本》),though only 6 volumes(the part of plane geometry) were actually translated. Many of the terms in the translation are still in use today, such as point, line, straight line, curve 曲线, parallel lines, angle, right angle, acute angle 锐角, obtuse [əb'tju:s] angle 钝角, triangle, quadrilateral [.kwɔdri'lætərəl] 四边形, etc. 1.2.2 Li Zhizao( Zhizao( Zhizao( Zhizao(李之藻 zǎo) Living in the same period as Xu Guangqi, Li Zhizao(1569-1630) was also an eminent scientist as well as famous translator. Under the guidance of Matteo Ricci, Li acquired plenty of Western knowledge and later became a Catholic ['kæθəlik] 天主教徒. In 1613 Li Zhizao and Matteo Ricci translated Tong Wen Suan Zhi (《同文算指》),which illustrated how to perform written arithmetic
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